
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Ark Encounter

On March 16, Doug and I and our friends, Pat and Adrian, visited the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky, to view and tour the full-scale replica of Noah's Ark that has been built there.

The Shuttle Bus from the Parking Lot to the Ark
Inside the Ark
Pat & Adrian (left) and Doug & Linda (right) inside the tall door that can be seen at the top of the ramp in the second photo above

Pat & Adrian on a ramp between levels in the Ark

One of the exhibits in the Ark is entitled "Fairy Tale Ark." It provides a word of caution regarding how the story of Noah and the Ark is presented to children. With cartoon-like characters and with no mention of sin or past and future judgment, we could be unwittingly teaching children to disbelieve the Bible.

The sign on the wall in the Fairy Tale Ark exhibit, framed by the serpent, says "If I can convince you that the flood was not real, then I can convince you that Heaven and Hell are not real."

There are many exhibits depicting how the eight people on the Ark might have worshiped, worked, and lived during the year that they were confined to the Ark as they waited for the flood waters to recede.

An Artistic Depiction of the Rainbow Covenant 
(God's promise to never again destroy the world in a world-wide flood)

The photo above is of an oil painting depicting the Last Supper in the style of Aboriginal Christian Iconography. The "U" shapes represent people, the mark of a person after sitting in the sand. The cross in the center represents Jesus.

In Noah's day, the world had become so wicked and sin so rampant that God decided to send a flood to destroy "both man and beast, creeping thing, and birds of the air...But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord." God gave explicit instructions to Noah regarding the building of an ark that would save Noah, his wife, their three sons, and their sons' wives, in addition to pairs of every kind of bird, animal, and creeping thing on earth.

A Holy God must punish sin, but He always offers a way of escape. As there was only one way to be saved in Noah's day, so there is only one way of salvation today, and that's through faith in God's own Son, Jesus. Jesus temporarily set aside the heavenly glory He had with His Father, to come to earth in human form and offer Himself as the only sacrifice that could redeem sinners. Anyone who places his trust in Jesus and His substitutionary death for us on the cross will be saved from the future judgment of eternity in hell.

One way.


  1. Well done, my friend! I've seen and heard descriptions from a lot of different people, but most have talked about how big the ark much walking is that was available...but I can't think of only a few who shared the things you salvation, sin, and I especially appreciated the fact you included about the fairy tale. Thank you for sharing your experience there, Linda. It was a blessing.

    1. Thanks for your encouragement, Dianna. Seeing the size of the ark is truly remarkable...a profound visual experience. I can see why people would focus on that when talking about the ark. We came away having been more impressed than we had expected to be and with a better picture in our minds of what that year on the ark might have been like.

  2. Linda, I enjoyed your photos of the Ark Encounter, it's striking how big it really was. I imagine the flood and ark would seem like a fairy tale if we had not been taught the truth early in life. Teaching our children Bible truths from the cradle up holds a value that is, sadly, overlooked these days. I feel for the kids that are taught there's a Santa Claus but no mention of our Savior.

    We've thought several times about a trip to see the attraction but haven't gone yet so it was interesting to see your post on it. Have a great week!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the post, Toni. I'd encourage you and Goodman to make the trip to see the ark in person. It will help you to better picture it in your mind as you read and re-read the story in Genesis. You were blessed to have had good teaching as a child. I wasn't raised in a Christian home and didn't come to the Lord until I was 34. God had his work cut out with me. :)

  3. I followed the construction of the ark with interest, and would enjoy visiting it. I very much appreciate your description of your visit. We do too often make the story of Noah into a fairy tale.

    1. I'm sure you'd enjoy a visit to the Ark, George. Maybe when your bride is feeling stronger, you might want to consider it. Of course, it might be best to get there before school is out or after it starts up again in the fall.

  4. I have seen several pictures of the outside of the Ark,but these are the first from the inside.Thanks so much for sharing.Yes,we want to make sure that the full truth of that story comes through,It is, after all so much more than a fairy tale.

    1. There is so much more that I could have shown, Ruth, as well as some that I missed. The Ark Encounter is very well done and worth a visit if you ever have the opportunity.

  5. I am thrilled to see these photos, it sounds so interesting. The Ark as a tourist place is a unique place. Maybe I will see it someday

    1. It really is interesting, Kim, and worth a visit. It's very wheelchair friendly, too. The ramps would be easily maneuverable for your scooter.

  6. I bet that was an incredible eye opener to see the magnitude of the ark. Noah's following God's direction on the building of the ark saved him and his well as the animal population. Seeing it in person must have brought it home even more.
    Your sharing of God's gift of Jesus and His sacrifice is so timely to the Easter season. He is the Way,the Truth and the Life and no one comes to God but through Him.
    Thanks for sharing!!

    1. You're exactly right about the size and the impact it had on me when I saw it. Thank you for your words of encouragement and the scripture that you shared. Wishing you a blessed Easter.

  7. It sounds like a great place to visit, and I have really been wanting to ever since it opened. Fun fact: One of my cousins helped build it. :)


    1. I'm so grateful that you stopped by and left this comment. I knew that many Amish were involved in the Ark's construction. Now I feel a very small connection with one of them. I hope you'll be able to visit the Ark Encounter. Nothing compares with seeing it in person.

  8. Oh, wow! It is amazing. It might be inappropriate to say...but, if I was Noah I think I would have blanched at, "And bring two snakes."
