
Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Our Church

A couple of months ago, as kind of an afterthought to an unrelated blog post, I included a photo of the church where Doug and I worship. It was a photo from 2013, and I mentioned that the building had been updated since then. So this post is to give you a look at the work that has been done on the building since Doug and I began attending there in 2011.

December 8, 2011
June 18, 2013
February 13, 2018

These pictures show only the main church building. A large building, that we call "The Barn," has been added. It's used for a monthly outreach to senior citizens, fellowship meals, and a weekly food distribution ministry. 

A second, smaller, barn has been added for more storage related to the food ministry.

And the house next door to the church property has been purchased to provide a facility to house guest speakers as well as providing office space, classrooms, and a place for the youth to meet. 

Almost all of the work has been done by volunteers from our church, as well as by volunteer work teams from other churches, often from areas far away. These work teams use their vacations to help churches that have a need. 

Last year, there was a work team of more than eighty who spent about 10 days sharing their time, talent, knowledge, and muscle to accomplish several projects for our church. And then, after all that, they gave a large monetary donation before returning to their homes and jobs.

Words are inadequate to express the blessing and encouragement that these teams are to all of us.


  1. Beautiful developments, and nice to have had help.The church I go to on Sat. started with 50 of us and one room.Now it seats 2500 and is entirely paid for. We raised over 450,000 over lent to buy a huge home for unwed mothers who wish to keep their baby. A large crowd at one of the Sunday services I attend is 100 at an older brick church.

    1. It's wonderful what your Saturday church is doing, Steve. Kudos to them.

  2. Your church looks beautiful.That is such a great idea to have work team that help out the churches that need it.

    1. Thank you, Ruth. I've never been in a church before where there's been so much sharing of resources between churches within the denomination. It's inspirational.

  3. The transformation of your church building is awesome. I think it is wonderful to have those work teams that give their time and talents to help other churches that have needs. It is very humbling...

    1. It's been fun to watch that transformation, and you're absolutely right about the humbling effect of having others serve us in this way.

  4. How nice of the people in the work groups to spend their vacations helping others. I can see there are other changes in the photos, but what a difference a little brick makes.
    Have a great rest of the week!

    1. I agree, Toni. The brick was the perfect touch to enhance the appearance of the building.

  5. People helping others because they want to help is a perfect expression of love. You and Doug are blessed to be in such a church community.

    1. We do feel blessed, George. There are so many folks out there with servants' hearts.

  6. i enjoy seeing your church with its changes. So happy you have a church community! I feel blessed with mine too

    1. Thank you, Kim. It's been fun to watch it evolve. I'm glad that you're in a supportive church community, too.

  7. What a lovely church you have, Linda. I love how its growth has been for outreach ministries. I also appreciate that the church purchased the house next door in order to have a "prophet's chamber" for visiting speakers. What a blessing! xx

    1. Thank you, Dianna. We feel blessed to have the facilities that allow us to offer these ministries. Our buildings are in use most days of the week.

  8. Kind of looks like my church in Greenwood Indiana

    1. You're not far from me, Brenda. We live outside the Fort Wayne area.

  9. I like when they restore instead of tearing down.

    1. This church wasn't in danger of being torn down, Sandi; but it did need to be updated and expanded. I could never have envisioned it looking as good as it does, but our pastor had a vision for what could be.
