
Tuesday, March 06, 2018

A Day Trip

We were blessed with sunshine when we went to see Doug's brother, Dennis, on Saturday. Even with the sunshine, the temperature was too cold to spend much time outside, especially with Dennis in his wheelchair; but I snapped a few photos through the car's windows.

The first image is of an American Sycamore tree. To me, these trees seem most beautiful in the winter.

American Sycamore
 Next is a cemetery in which most of the trees grow slanted to the right. That phenomenon intrigues me. I can only assume that there is a strong predominant wind from the left.

Reese Cemetery
 The first two images were taken before we picked Dennis up at his apartment. Since it's much easier for Dennis to get in and out of the front seat, I shot the next photos from the back seat as we took a drive after having lunch at Arlene's Truck Stop.

Barns on a Back Road

A View Along One of the Back Roads We Traveled

The Dutch Star RV parked in the driveway seemed bigger than the house.

You'll just have to trust me on the beautiful images I saw but didn't capture. Shooting from a moving car, especially when the subject is also moving, can be tricky. There were some beautiful hawks, the pictures of which exist only in my mind.


  1. You really did have a beautiful day. I hope warmer weather soon arrives in your area. Winter is staging a comeback down here.

    1. We've just exited a warm spell, George. Winter is back. We had a light snow Monday night. More expected tonight.

  2. When you stop for a hawk they often fly off. Hard to get close.I am sure you saw many you wanted, but hard to stop.

    1. One of the hawks I saw yesterday was in flight already. It would have made a magnificent photo. Two were in trees; one in particular was posing beautifully. But, yes...hard to stop.

  3. WOW, my friend. No one would have ever known that you snapped those photos from a car if you hand't told us. They are SO good! I'm sure that Dennis enjoyed you and his brother coming to visit him. xx

    1. Aw, you're too kind, Dianna. We try to go see Dennis once a month. He's not independently mobile, but he does have a home health aide who comes several times a week. One of those days each week, she takes him out for a shopping trip. He does seem to appreciate our visits.

  4. Linda, I have to say you got some gorgeous shots from your car. (Mine are always too blurry for publication.) The sky in the first two photos is such a vivid blue, and I love sycamore tree, too. We have one in our side yard that we planted years ago. The day it was put in the ground our neighbor, that we hardly knew at the time, came to the fence and said they cause sinus problems...which caused me to hope they'd stay in the house more often. That didn't happen though so we think they just didn't want their view of our doings blocked. After a while I raised chickens and slaughtered them in the backyard. LOL

    1. Thanks so much, Toni. There were several blurry shots that were deleted. ;) I just think sycamores look so regal in the winter. You are blessed to have one on your own property.

  5. You did well to capture some lovely shots during driving. I find that quite a challenge.I like that long tree lined road.

    1. It can be tricky, for sure. Sometimes, Doug will try to accommodate me by slowing, stopping, or even turning around. But not when we're on a visiting Dennis. I liked that tree-lined road, too.

  6. You have some great pics, and if you had not said anything I would have never known they were taken from inside the car. Interesting leaning trees at the cemetery. The Dutch Star may not be bigger than the house but it could cost more.

    1. Thanks for the kind words about the photos. That whole cemetery is full of trees that lean like that. They must all have been planted about the same time and must have been exposed to some serious winds as they were growing. That Dutch Star looked huge. We're probably both right...about the size AND the price. ;)

  7. You are quite good at shooting from a moving car, Linda, those are interesting captures. I agree, some trees look better during winter. I think that every season makes something look better or more interesting than the other seasons. The barns look lovely...

    1. Thanks, Petra. I probably delete more photos than I save from those taken from the car, but I'm rewarded with a good one every now and then. And you're so right about seasonal beauty. I often marvel at the thoughtfulness of our Creator to give us beauty in some form in every season.

  8. Beautiful "Road Trip Pics!" Concerning those leaning trees...we once had East Angelia Pine trees planted around our home. The west winds caused our shallow rooted trees to lean to the east. Maybe these trees are East Angelia something!

    1. That's interesting, Diane. I looked up some images of East Angelia Pines on the internet, but they didn't seem to be the same as those in the cemetery. But, even if they're not the same trees, they seem to have the same results from the prevailing winds.
