
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Wings on Purple

While stalking butterflies at Ouabache State Park on October 5, I found a single plant of purple blossoms that were loaded with winged things feasting on the nectar.

Painted Lady and Silver Spotted Skipper

Clouded Sulphur Butterfly

Silver Spotted Skipper
Painted Lady Butterfly and a Bee

We returned to the park five days later, and this plant was completely withered. I realized how blessed I was to have seen it, and the winged things it was nourishing, the previous week.


  1. Love this post since I love anything PURPLE.... AND your title was just quite creative.... Amazing what we can capture with our cameras when it comes to just WATCHING, being AWARE and just LOOKING around. You did GREAT.


    1. Thanks so much, Betsy. It's so true that there is beauty everywhere, if we'll just look for it. Cameras help us to find it. :)

  2. Those purples asters(?) made a beautiful backdrop for your butterfly photos. I never really looked at butterflies closely before seeing them in your blog posts so I didn't realize there are so many different kinds to see. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thanks, Toni. I think you're right about the identity of the flowers. I never realized how many kinds of everything there are until I started reading blogs! I saw a new (to me) butterfly last week. It will show up here in a week or two.

  3. The stalking paid off, Linda, you found a great scenery. Such a feast!:) That flower must be some kind of Aster, so gentle and yet prominent. I especially love the Painted Lady Butterfly, it has gorgeous wings!

    1. Thank you, Petra. I think you're right about the flower, and it made a great backdrop for the butterflies. The Painted Lady just wouldn't leave its wings open long enough for a good shot of the top of them, but I think the underside is almost prettier anyway.

  4. Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos of the plant and the winged creatures visiting it. The colors are amazing.

  5. I went out Sunday and only saw a few skippers and one tattered painted lady. it was 37 this morning, brrrr. Made tomato juice from some of the last tomatoes and some pepper jelly

    1. Steve, these two butterflies were remarkably untattered. We haven't had temperatures quite that low yet, but close. It's that time of year. Have you ever tried putting your pepper jelly over a block of cream cheese and spreading it on crackers? Very tasty.

  6. Beautiful pictures. Yes,it is a blessing that you were there at the right time get these shots.

    1. Thank you, Ruth. Finding that plant at that moment was truly a gift.

  7. That plant is beautiful, but so are all of the different wings that have found it attractive. The Clouded Sulphur Butterfly is gorgeous! xx

    1. Thanks, Dianna. I agree about the Clouded Sulphur butterfly on the purple flowers. Just makes you want to go out and buy a purple-and-yellow outfit, doesn't it?

  8. Those purple blossoms were beautiful and your capture of the bees and butterflies was perfectly timed. It is amazing the beauty we can see and capture on film if we would just take the time to stop and see His beauty all around. Thanks for sharing!

    1. So true about taking the time to really see the beauty around us. Thanks always for your visits and kind comments.

  9. Nice to see the purple blossoms along with the bees and different types pf butterflies:)

  10. Your photography is lovely, wonderful close-ups of all the winged friends enjoying the last fruits of summer! Happy to meet you today :)

    1. Thank you for the visit and the sweet comment, Marilyn. So nice to meet you.
