
Tuesday, October 17, 2017


With the lake drained at Ouabache State Park this summer, I've had to search for things to photograph on our occasional afternoon visits there. Following are a few random shots from September.

Cabbage White Butterfly
Snail Shells in the Dry Lake Bed
Clouded Sulphur Butterfly
Cottonwood Leaf Beetle (It landed on my jeans.)

This last image isn't from the park. We were driving by a small local airport on October 2, when the sunset deepened to glorious colors. Doug stopped to let me get a picture of it.

Sunset at Smith Field


  1. What lovely finds. Thank you for such nice well wishings,it is still so new to me.

  2. You're a great detective when searching for beautiful subjects to photograph. Even so, I hope the lake will be filled by next year.

    1. George, the thing I missed most this year, because of the dry lake, was the dragonflies. Butterflies are nice, but they're a lot harder to stalk. :)

  3. Beautiful series, Linda, and the sunset needs a frame! :)

  4. Isn't it neat to find other things to photograph when there's no water in the lake? You did GOOD.... Love the sparrow and Killdeer. I think that was a Chipping Sparrow --but not sure.

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the sky picture in your last one... WOW.


    1. It's been more of a challenge this year, Betsy; but it HAS been fun to find new things to photograph. I was going to go with Chipping Sparrow, but there are so many varieties of sparrows that I decided to play it safe and be generic.

  5. Great finds, Linda. It seems quite a unique opportunity to find those snail shells in the dry lake bed, when the lake is full again, they will become "invisible" again.

    1. Hi, Petra. It WAS fun to find all the snail shells, and I was pleasantly surprised that the photo turned out as well as it did. The lake wasn't as pretty this summer as in years past, but it allowed us to find the snail shells and to see that deer that I mentioned in an earlier post. It also meant fewer people at the park. So it wasn't all bad.

  6. Each picture is beautiful, but that sunset is just amazing.

  7. What a beautiful sunset...oh, the rest of the pics a great too, but I just love sunsets. Thank you for sharing such beauty.
