
Thursday, May 26, 2016

Geese, Flowers, and Fisherboys

Sharing a few sights from a recent afternoon at Ouabache State Park.

Canada Goose and Rapidly Growing Goslings

These appear to be wild irises.

A closer look...iris...don't you think?

Not sure what these are, but they're pretty.


These two boys were fun to watch. Working their way around the lake, they would throw out a line and almost immediately reel in a fish. After taking it off the hook and throwing it back into the water, they would walk another forty or fifty feet and repeat the process. They were having fun...without cell phones.


  1. love the iris. blackberry or raspberry blooms?

  2. That last shot is super.I liked them all but this one really tells a story.

  3. Beautiful series, Linda, and how nice to see the Canada Goose and goslings. :)

  4. Would love to take a stroll along the lake shore. Wonderful nature captures.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  5. Lovely place to take a wander and see the critters and flowers

  6. Linda, your photos are excellent! I, especially, enjoyed seeing the yellow irises as I don't remember seeing any before. I think the white flowers might be blackberry blossoms.
    Have a great weekend!

  7. You have a nice park close.I always like iris, and enjoy hanging around a lake.

  8. It's nice to know that youngsters can have fun these days without cell-phones. You got some beautiful photos on your visit to the park.

  9. We call those Yellow Flag Iris around here. Love the goose and her goslings!

  10. Love the wild Irises... Not sure I've ever seen WILD yellow ones.. Gorgeous.

    Great pictures...Happy Memorial Day. Let's never forget those men and women who served and gave so much for our FREEDOM.


  11. Tex - I liked the iris, too, until I read Marcie's ID. I looked up Yellow Flag Iris and learned that they're an invasive species. Pretty, though. Toni at Magnoliasntea agrees with your suggestion of Blackberry blossoms on the white flowers.

    Thanks, Ruth. Those two kids were fun to watch and very enthusiastic fisherboys.

    Linda - I'm glad you enjoyed the little Canada goose family. They grow so fast.

    Thank you, Mersad.

    Thanks, Margaret. We do enjoy it there.

    Toni - Thanks for confirming Tex's suggestion of Blackberry blossoms. The yellow irises, although pretty, are apparently an unwanted invasive species along streams and ponds and can be harmful to livestock if consumed.

    Steve - We do enjoy that park. It seems to have a little bit of everything.

    Thanks, George. I agree about the cell phones. It was refreshing to see those two boys enjoying the great outdoors.

    Marcie - Thanks for the ID on the iris. Turns out their beauty hides a more sinister side. Those goslings just grow up too fast. By our next visit to the park, it will probably be hard to distinguish them from the adults.

    Thank you, Betsy. Hope you enjoyed your Memorial Day.

  12. You always find something of interest in the park, Linda! We have similar irises at the pond in our village, their bright yellow flowers look great against the water...
    The park is such a nice place to visit repeatedly, I quite regret that we have nothing like that in the area where we live.

    1. It's not an out-of-the-ordinary park, Petra; but there are interesting things all around for those who look, as I know you would if you were there. I've posted so many pictures from there that I hesitate to post more. We were just there again today, though; and I may have a few pictures to share one of these days.
