
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Warm Weather At Last

Our weather has been all over the place this spring. Warm days would be followed by cold ones until we hardly knew what season it was. Then, suddenly, it was hot! We've had a week or so of temperatures in the mid to upper eighties (thirty-ish Celsius).

The first set of pictures today were taken in our backyard last week. 

A rabbit gave birth in this shallow hole in our backyard.

And here is one of the little guys, believing himself invisible to me.

Same bunny, different angle. He would have fit in the palm of my hand.

Another cutie (my husband), enjoying our backyard swing

On Monday, Doug and I went to Ouabache State Park for one of our little mini-vacations. Since it was a holiday (Memorial Day), there were more people present than when we usually go, including several groups of Amish who were enjoying themselves and each other as they paddled around the small lake on rented paddleboats.

In addition to trying to get each other wet, they occasionally broke out in group singing. I was so sorry that I hadn't brought the video camera so that I could have captured audio of that as the breeze carried their voices across the water. Amish truly know how to blend their voices and make beautiful music together. I have a CD that a local group of New Order Amish made as an evangelistic outreach, and it's one of my very favorite CDs.


  1. What lovely captures as usual. What a delight to have added entertainment, I would like to hear the songs, hymns perhaps.I like that swing, I need to work on one at the new place this summer.

  2. Linda, your photos are beautiful! Here in Montreal we had a few very hot and humid days, but thankfully the humidity has broken and we are getting beautiful and comfortable temperatures...perfect for my long walks in nature! :)

  3. It's now down-right hot here in Tennessee, but I haven't seen any 'invisible' bunnies in our yard.

  4. Replies
    1. yes Linda it is a pity you had not got your video camera to record thier voices an actions. My camera does both stills and video which is great. So at the press of a button I can take both. Love the cute buny.

  5. Steve - I'm pretty sure they were singing Amish hymns, but I couldn't catch enough of the words to be absolutely certain.

    Linda - I'm glad to hear that you're getting out for your walks again. Good for the soul.

    George - We rarely visit our beloved Tennessee during these warm months. We don't do well in "downright hot" weather. :)

    Ruth - Thanks. It's amazing to see them at that tiny stage of their life.

    Margaret - My camera will also shoot video...I just hadn't ever done it before and couldn't figure it out quickly enough.

  6. That "invisible" bunny made me smile… I was always amused when our kids were hiding part of their body including their head and keeping still, believing I couldn't see them, not being aware of other parts of their bodies sticking out of their hiding places. If you can't see anybody, nobody can see you, right? :)

    I like the captures of those Amish having fun. You might have recorded the singing with your camera if it has a recording function, check it out!

  7. Those tiny bunnies hiding in the grass are so cute. They grow so fast, though. My camera does shoot video, but I'd never done it before and couldn't get it up and running quickly enough. I guess I should practice with it.
