
Friday, May 20, 2016

Bobo Fence

I've been wanting to get a photo of this fence since the first time I saw it last summer, and I finally got Doug to stop the car long enough to allow me to capture this quick shot a couple of weeks ago.

The fence is near a highway sign that advises the traveler that he is entering the town of Bobo, Indiana. It's one of those blink-and-you-miss-it towns, with the fence being it's greatest attraction.


  1. oh, you HAVE to link this to good fences! i'm going to re-open the link just for you. puh-leeze squeeze it in!

  2. That fence is certainly eye-catching in its uniqueness.You have a wonderful picture of it.

  3. Yes certainlly a fence worth stopping for and good of Tex to re open the lik for you. Have a wonderul weekend Linda.

  4. That's a fabulous old fence! And it seems a good fit for the town's name.

  5. I'm glad you were able to get this picture.

  6. I have never seen a fence quite like this! Great capture, Linda!

  7. An unusual fence, not sure why it is so open,must be just to look good.

  8. That is really haphazard, isn't it? lol. It does make me smile!

  9. Unique for sure!!!!! Looks like a couple of kids put that one together... ha ha

    How are you? I noticed that you gave up Facebook --or at least made changes where I can't get to you anymore... What happened? I still enjoy Facebook as much as blogging... It's simple and quick --whereas blogging is not.


  10. Great capture, Linda!
    I wonder how much the fence is effective... :)

  11. Tex - Thanks for re-opening the Good Fences link for me. I took advantage of the opportunity to link up with you and all your fence-loving followers.

    Thank you, Ruth.

    Thanks, Margaret.

    Toni - I'm glad you like the fence as much as I did. And I, too, love the town's name. I'm guessing it was named after an individual, but I may never know for sure.

    Thanks, George. I'd been wanting to do it for a long time.

    Linda - I'd never seen one quite like it before, either. Glad you liked it.

    Steve - I've wondered about that myself. It's obviously old, but it looks as if it was originally built with that "open" concept.

    Marcie - "Haphazard" is a perfect word for this fence.

    Betsy - Either a couple of kids or an artist. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference. I've dropped out of the Facebook world. It wasn't a good fit for me.

    Thanks, Petra. The fence wouldn't be very effective for keeping livestock in or out, but it's still an eye catcher. :)
