
Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Of course, the birds seen most often at the seashore are gulls; and that was true during our beach times in Florida in January. They are all little beggars, staking out a space near any humans that look like they might have food. Since my hubby and I never go anywhere without food, well, we had lots of opportunities to photograph gulls.

This one, tired of waiting for a handout, decided to take a nap.

He does have two legs but seems to prefer using them one at a time.


  1. Hi Linda All wonderful shots of the Gulls but I just love the one taking a nap best!

  2. awesome close-ups. what a cutie. nice!!! ( :

  3. I love these birds and enjoy their company. Lovely captures, Linda!

  4. just awesome photos, again! love these. you got them nice and relaxed.

  5. It was nice of these gulls to pose so nicely for you, especially considering that you provided handouts for them. All of these photos are marvelous.

  6. Amazing set of photos today! You captured them beautifully. Love the one with its head tucked over its back.

  7. Beautiful shots Linda, I like to take bread down to them. Locals spot me as a tourist and shake their heads.

  8. Hi Linda! You managed to make those little beggars look so cute! When I go to the beach, they are very bossy and bold. If you even look like you're eating they hang out by our blanket screeching for attention. Yikes. Thank you for helping me see beauty in them :)

  9. I love all the feather detail you have in these pictures.

  10. Uh-oh, I have some competition! You captured such wonderful details on these gulls. I know they are considered pesky and greedy, but I love them. The one with his face tucked in the wing is super sweet!

  11. Wow, those are excellent captures, Linda. Love the sleepy guy and the one with the trick leg. :)

  12. The first photo looks like a painting.... I enjoy gull watching...sassy little beggars :)

  13. I would never be able to get so many usable bird shots. So hat's off to you. These are great.

  14. You must have had fun with shooting the gulls, they are impressive models. I love the one with its beak hidden amid its feathers. :)

  15. Beautiful details here.. but the near-to-napping gull warmed my heart.
