
Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Arches: More Rock Formations

Today's post features more of the interesting and beautiful rock formations from Arches National Park. All photos are from September 24, 2013.

These formations are known as the Three Gossips (left) and Sheep Rock (right).

Can you see the sheep formation resting on top of Sheep Rock? A little imagination may be required.

Looks like an arch is forming on the side of this wall of rock.

For some reason, this one makes me think of Barney, the purple dinosaur.

Balanced Rock

The next post from Arches National Park will include photos of some of the arches for which the park is named.


  1. I had to smile at the Three Gossips. There they are plain as day really going at it, too. :) Love it.
    Sheep Rock is nifty, too. I'm just amazed at the blue sky in all these pictures. Beautiful.
    Have a great evening, Linda!

  2. Amazing rock formations. I am enjoying those blue skies.We haven't seen much of that recently and I miss it.

  3. i did see the sheep. i think for me a lot of the time when they have certain names i can find the thing i am meant to see. i had that problem at Bryce Canyon, Utah. it was so frustrating. everyone else said they could see it ... but not me. so i guess i have a different kind of imagination than other folks. ( :

    great pics!! enjoy this post so. have a great week! stay warm.

  4. Linda, this is rock architecture at its best. Lovely photos.

  5. they're just amazing. yes, i saw the sheep's head right away. and some of those are the parthenon in greece or something. :)

  6. That first photo looks like a massive Henry Moore sculpture. I've been fascinated with Arches National Park for some time and you've convinced me that I need to get on the stick and get myself out there.

  7. Such beauty for our eyes! The Three Gossips and the Sheep Formation are really neat.

  8. Beautidul are the rock formations, Linda!
    Greetings, from Holland.

  9. hi Linda. God is a first class Sculptor. Awesome shots

  10. Yay, I saw the sheep! Gorgeous rock formations. Y'all had a very good day weather-wise for photography and hiking. The skies are so blue. So ready for blue skies and warmth to return to us.

  11. Thanks for sharing more of these fascinating rock formations and for bringing back lots of wonderful memories.

  12. We saw all of these when we were there in June of 2011…. HOWEVER, we do need to go back when there aren't a gazillion people there (including lots of tour busses) and when it's not 100 degrees…. I didn't enjoy the Arches because of that… BUT-your photos have made me want to return sometime.


  13. Yes, I can clearly see the sheep but your Barney strikes me as more of a Viking warrior with arms crossed.

  14. I think the rock formations are fantastic. Looking at them is kind of like cloud watching...Looking at the truck in one of the photo's makes me realize just how massive these formations

  15. I agree with the previous commentators, the rock formations are very unique and you can stare at them for hours, trying to figure out the different shapes.
