
Sunday, January 05, 2014

Arches: Some Rock Formations

Arches National Park, located near Moab, Utah, offers an amazing landscape of contrasting colors, landforms, and textures unlike any other I've ever seen. The park is reported to have over 2,000 natural stone arches, in addition to hundreds of soaring pinnacles, massive fins, and giant balanced rocks.
The photos in this post are from our visit there on September 24, 2013. I took so many pictures that day, that it will take multiple posts just to share some of my favorites.

This formation is close to the entrance of the park.

You can see one of the balanced rocks, just right of center.

Here's a closer look at that one; and look at the tall one at ground level.

This area is called "Park Avenue."

Everywhere you look in this park, there's a photo op. It's just so gorgeous. And that's why you'll be seeing more of it in the next few posts.


  1. Beautiful are the series photos, Linda!

  2. hi Linda. certainly is a great photo opportunity. Stunning.

  3. Wonderful formations. And the orange color of the earth works so well with the intense blue of the sky.

  4. Oh goodie...more. Just gotta forget what i already saw on Flickr, huh


  5. These are just amazing photos. I love the rock formations. I might be fun to walk through there!

  6. i love Utah ... it is such an amazing state. so much to offer. gorgeous shots. i wonder who named those guys? the hubby & i were going through naming our own. maybe they will stick? maybe? ( :

  7. you can stare at these and see highrises, huts, greek columns and palaces. very cool.

  8. Thanks for sharing these gorgeous pictures and the memories they brought back. We hiked Park Avenue in Arches when we were there.

  9. I wonder if any of the balanced rocks take a tumble very often

  10. Wow, some of them look like petrified cities. God's creation fills me with wonder and joy. You got some great angles and views; can't wait to see the others. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Linda! I'm off to hunt for a brown footed booby. :)

  11. They almost look like monuments left by an amazing long-gone race of people.

  12. WOW! I can understand why the camera would be very busy here.Spectacular sights,for sure.

  13. Great pics Linda! The color of the rocks are beautiful with the bright blue sky in the background!

  14. "over 2,000 natural stone arches" That is amazing in itself. Love the sky in the pictures, also.
    p.s. My reader didn't let me know you had posted. Bad Feedly!

  15. A beautiful place- the arches are so wonderful to see up close and personal...worth the trip!

  16. Number three photo is amazing....nature is a wonder of Gods craftsmanship.

  17. Such wonderfully blue skies.
