
Friday, May 13, 2011

Birds and Blooms

I went out to the back yard yesterday, to try to get a few photos of the blooms that are finally making their appearance. Overhead, I heard the irritated call of a blackbird, apparently scolding me for intruding into its territory.

By the time the shutter had clicked, the bird was gone. There were no second chances, but I was pleased with the first one and most likely couldn't have done better.

These beautiful tulips are in our neighbor's yard.

This is a cluster of blossoms on the crab apple tree. This tree normally turns so brilliantly white with spring blossoms that we can barely stand to look at it without sun glasses. So far this year, though, there are just clusters here and there. I'm afraid it may not produce much fruit to see the birds and squirrels through the next winter.

This is the apple tree that was pruned by our young neighbor a couple of months ago. It is full of blossoms and the promise of many apples. Our neighbor should be pleased.

This is a bonus photo...not taken in our back yard but in the yard of friends last Saturday. I had gone to their house to help with a garage sale. This fellow came to keep us company during a lull in garage sale traffic.

We waited so long for spring to arrive; and, when it did, it came in with temperatures in the mid to upper eighties. The blooming things are going crazy this week, trying to make up for lost time. Here's one last picture...this time from our gorgeous azalea bush.


  1. Those tulips almost look translucent in the light. Birds are really hard to capture, but both of those look great.

  2. Beautiful spring colors ---and birds, Linda.... I love SPRING. I just told someone today that I wished it would last for 6 months instead of 3...

  3. Thanks, Elizabeth. Your always-kind comments are appreciated.

    Thanks, Betsy. I wish we had even three months of spring. This year, it looks like about two weeks. :)

  4. Glorious photo's, you can actually see the shine on the blackbirds feathers! :o)

  5. Very nice shots , that blackbird almost appeared like a boat-tailed.I had shorts on 2 days ago and sit today with a sweater on.

  6. Thanks, Beckie. Why should we plant any when our neighbor does such a good job? :)

    Thank you, Deborah. That blackbird shot was a quick one, but it couldn't have turned out much better.

    Thanks, Steve. I think this one is a Brewer's Blackbird, but I wasn't sure enough to be dogmatic about it. I know what you mean about the temperatures. It was 88 here a couple of days ago, and it's supposed to reach 52 tomorrow.

  7. I heard on the news we are now at 191 days since our thermometer has crested the 70 degree mark. Today we made it to 63 degrees but that is great working weather. The rain is back for the next three days. That first shot of the black bird is indeed nice – good job.

  8. Hi, GQ. Thanks for the compliment on the blackbird photo. I was pretty proud of that one myself. :)

    Our weather went from temperatures in the fifties to temperatures of near ninety. Right now it's 46 with 15 MPH winds and rain. God is keeping it interesting.

  9. Oh,I love all the beautiful blossoms.

  10. Your photos are wonderful, Linda. I know how difficult birds can be to capture. The little stinkers just won't pose! Nicely done.

  11. Thanks so much, Hilary. Once in awhile I get a lucky shot. :)
