
Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Place in the Choir

I heard this little ditty for the first time a week or so ago and thought maybe some of you would enjoy it, too. It's a catchy tune, and I'll bet you'll be tapping your toes as you listen and humming it to yourself before the day is over. Enjoy!

A Place in the Choir
By Bill Staines

All of God's creatures got a place in the choir
Some sing low, and some sing higher
Some sing out loud on the telephone wire
Some just clap their hands, or paws
Or anything they got now.

All of God's creatures got a place in the choir
Some sing low, and some sing higher
Some sing out loud on the telephone wire
Some just clap their hands, or paws
Or anything they got now.

Listen to the bass, it's the one on the bottom
Where the bullfrog croaks and the hippopotamus
Moans and groans with a big to-do
And the old cow just goes MOOOOO

The dogs and the cats they pick up the middle
While the honey bee hums and the cricket fiddles
The donkey brays and the pony neighs
And the old gray badger sighs

All of God's creatures got a place in the choir
Some sing low, and some sing higher
Some sing out loud on the telephone wire
Some just clap their hands, or paws
Or anything they got now.

Listen to the top where the little bird’s singing
On the melody with the high note ringing
The hoot owl cries over everything
And the blackbird disagrees

Singin' in the night-time, singin' in the day
The little duck quacks, and he's on his way
And the otter hasn’t got much to say
And the porcupine talks to himself

All of God's creatures got a place in the choir
Some sing low, and some sing higher
Some sing out loud on the telephone wire
Some just clap their hands, or paws
Or anything they got now.

It's a simple song of livin' sung everywhere
By the ox and the fox and the grizzly bear
The grumpy alligator and the hawk above
The sly old weasel and the turtledove.

All of God's creatures got a place in the choir
Some sing low, and some sing higher
Some sing out loud on the telephone wire
Some just clap their hands, or paws
Or anything they got now.

All of God's creatures got a place in the choir
Some sing low, and some sing higher
Some sing out loud on the telephone wire
Some just clap their hands, or paws
Or anything they got now.

A blessed Lord's Day to each of you!


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed it, BB. Can you picture Maddie adding her voice to the choir?

  2. Too cute! That made me smile. Whoever put that together did a great job!

  3. Elizabeth - It's hard to listen to it and not smile, isn't it? The pictures on the video are a perfect accompaniment to the song.

  4. Oh how fun! I cannot wait to show my little's this...especially little lady as she simply loves animals of all kinds. You are right, it's hard not to smile! XX

  5. It's always good to see a comment from you, Lori. I hope the video brings smiles to the Littles' faces, too. They'll probably drive you crazy singing the chorus over and over. :)

  6. I can still visualize my choir director making a squenced up face while trying to hear my voice during practice for a big voice was in a in between for tenor and baritone.

  7. Steve - I don't have a good singing voice at all. I'm just grateful for passages of scripture like Psalm 95:1: "O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation." Joyful noise I can do. :)

  8. Now that was fun.. and it has me wondering why the cow (at about 59 seconds into the video) has the number 35 on its side... ;)

  9. Hilary - I had seen the "3" on the cow, but not the "5." I went back for another look, and I see what you mean. I think it's just part of the cow's markings, don't you? Unusual, though.

  10. Wow, that IS a toe-tapper! Makes me wish I knew how to do a jig! :)

  11. Sandra - It's just a fun song, isn't it. It's fun just listening to it, but the pictures on the video do enhance the fun.

  12. i loved this!! such a happy song! my favorite part was 'some just clap their hands or paw or anything they've got.' too darn cute! thanks, linda!

  13. Tex - I thought you'd enjoy it. It just works its way into your head and runs around in there, doesn't it? :)
