
Wednesday, October 06, 2010

In Nebraska, 900 Miles to Go

Tonight, we're in North Platte, Nebraska and one time zone closer to home. There were some things I would have enjoyed doing near where we stayed in Rock Springs, Wyoming last night; but, when Doug is headed for home, there's no stopping him. Besides, the wild horse viewing that really interested me involved a drive of about 50 miles, 24 of which were unpaved.

The literature I saw about the horse viewing trip said that high-clearance vehicles were recommended, and drivers were cautioned to be sure to have a spare tire on hand. It also talked about how quickly the weather can change up on the mountain and advised preparedness. We decided we just weren't prepared for that kind of adventure. We had seen a few wild horses at Theodore Roosevelt National Park last week, but the literature looked as if there were larger herds of them at the Rock Springs location. Maybe another time. In a Jeep.

We're still about 900 miles and at least two days from home. I'll probably not post again until I can do it from there.


  1. Hey, it just occurred to me. You aren't letting this blogging thing replace your journaling, are you? This is all fine and dandy, but I need for you to still be writing down everything that happens in your nifty difty web journal, so that you can tell me on which exact day we saw a certain movie nine years ago! You have to have your priorities, after all. :)

  2. Sandra-I have to admit that my journaling has suffered a bit since I started the blog, but I'm still doing it. It's the only way I can remember anything!
