
Friday, October 08, 2010

Home, Sweet Home

We made it home tonight by about six-thirty, after stopping at the car dealership to get an oil change for our vehicle, then at the grocery store to pick up some milk for our cereal tomorrow morning, and then at the pizzeria to get carryout for our supper.

We don't like driving through Chicago, so we decided to take U. S. 24 from Peoria, Illinois to our city. That took us through the Illinois city of Fairbury. I have a second cousin who lives in Fairbury; but, although I thought that sounded like the name of her city, I had the idea that she lived closer to the Chicago area. So we pushed right on through. Then, when I got home and checked my address book, I felt badly that we hadn't tried to look her up. It's been years since we've seen each other, although we do e-mail occasionally.

It was a pretty drive along U. S. 24, and more relaxing than the interstates we had been traveling, although it was a little hard to adapt to the slower pace.

We thoroughly enjoyed our trip, but it is nice to be back home. The vehicle has been unloaded; the laundry has been sorted; and some of it is being washed right now. We still have things to unpack and put away, but we're making headway.

Tomorrow, we'll pick up our mail and life will begin to return to normal for awhile. Probably not for long, though. Doug is thinking about a trip to the Smokies within in the next few weeks.


  1. I tell you the kid doesn't let any grass grow under his feet, does he. Maybe we can get together before he wisks you off again! :)

  2. Sandra-I expect we'll wait until November to go to the Smokies. You know, TW wants to wait until the fall color season is over and the rates go down. We're still planning on the movie this Friday.
