
Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Homeward Bound

We left Yellowstone this morning and drove down to Grand Teton National Park.

Horses and Teton Mountains

It wasn't our intention to spend any time in the Tetons, just to pass through. Our main goal was to locate and photograph the T. A. Moulton Barn, possibly the most photographed barn in America. You may have seen pictures of it on calendars and postcards.

T. A. Moulton Barn

T. A. Moulton Barn

T. A. Moulton Barn

My photos don't look like those calendar shots. It couldn't be the photographer. Let's blame the weather! The time of day could also have something to do with it. I guess most true photographers arrive at dawn to get the best pictures. Unless I sleep next to the barn, it's unlikely I'll ever get a picture at dawn. Even then, it might be questionable. Those who know me know that I'm not an early riser. Night time is my time.

After getting our pictures of the barn, we drove south on U. S. 191 to where it meets I-80 at Rock Springs, Wyoming. That road passed through some beautiful countryside. But we're homing, so there are no pictures to share of the scenery. I did, however, manage to get Doug to stop for some antelope that were right beside the road.

Pronghorn Antelope

And that's about it for today. As always, thanks for sharing our trip with us.


  1. Hi! I thought you got some very respectable pictures of the barn (and I don't think any of us want to see early morning shots, just because of the whining and "attitude" that would by necessity accompany their creation). And I love the antelope. It's great that even when Doug is "homing" he will still stop for a shot.

    Hubby actually brought up the fact yesterday that I should not bemoan the many missed opportunities I have -- because mine are all taken from a speeding car. I tell you, the kid is becoming down-right sensitive. Maybe there's hope for him yet!

    btw -- Secretariat at our favorite movie place Friday night? I'll call you when we get back.

  2. Hi, Sandra. Thanks for your comments on the barn and antelope pictures. There are some amazing pictures of that barn on the internet. I guess, if you go at dawn, you have to fight for space in front of the barn. There are people who will go there every day at dawn, just to capture the different weather and lighting. We were there in the early afternoon, and the only other photographer was just pulling away when we arrived.

    I missed a good shot yesterday, when we were homing. There was a row of carousel horses in a farm field, lined up like a fence row. Doug won't always stop, but he's usually pretty good about it. Sometimes, he'll even turn around and go back so that I can reclaim a missed opportunity.

    The movie on Friday sounds great. I wrote it on the calendar.
