
Friday, March 22, 2019

Arches National Park

Continuing the saga of last October's Last Hurrah trip, we awoke to rain in Moab, Utah on the morning of October 11. We decided to go ahead with our plans to visit Arches National Park. We'd been there several times before, so getting more photos wasn't critical. We reasoned that, if the rain continued, we would just enjoy a drive-through tour and then maybe find a place to park where we could enjoy the view and read for awhile. We bought some sandwiches at a local convenience store for a lunch to be eaten later at the national park.

By the time we arrived at the park, the rain had let up considerably, and we began hopping in and out of the car during the light drizzle to get a few photos.

Park Avenue, from the overlook
Ship Rock
Balanced Rock
Doug and Me at Turret Arch
North and South Windows

There are a number of people under the North Window, to the left. If you can find them in the photo, you'll get some perspective on the size of the arch.

Turret Arch

That speck on the upper right of Turret Arch is a woman who decided to climb to the top. See the picture below for proof.

The top left photo in the following collage shows the entrance to Sand Dune Arch, between large sandstone "fins." Under that photo is a picture of the arch that is found in this cave-like setting. And, on the right, is the view when exiting. 

One thing that makes Sandstone Arch so special is that those tall sandstone fins keep the spot in shade almost all day. Arches National Park is usually a very hot place to visit. This time, it was so cool that we needed winter jackets. I loved it! Anyway, on those hot, hot days, the shade available at Sandstone Arch is truly a blessing.

When we exited Sandstone Arch, we found that the last of the rain had left; and the late-afternoon sun was lighting the rock formation directly opposite the entrance to Sandstone Arch. 

View of Rocks Opposite Sandstone Arch

As we were walking back to our car, Doug saw another path through more sandstone fins and just had to follow it.

The photo on the left shows the path leading between the fins. The image on the top right shows Doug at the top of the path, just entering what we would refer to as a box canyon. The photo on the bottom right shows Doug at the back wall of the space.

A return visit to Canyonlands National Park, Island in the Sky, was on our agenda for the next day. More on that next time.


  1. Wow! The stunning and unique beauty is amazing.Those formations are huge.

    1. This is one of our very favorite national parks, Ruth. The rock formations and arches are, as you said, "amazing."

  2. Thanks for the memories. It was definitely hot (and crowded) when we visited Arches in September.

    1. I thought about you and Betsy when we were there, wearing our winter jackets. Even with the rain, it was better than the heat we've experienced on previous visits. It's a beautiful place, no matter the weather conditions, though.

  3. I love that last shot showing a need to still explore. Hard to fit it is sometimes.Great photos, I was familiar with a few of their names.

    1. As you could see from the many footprints in the sand in that last shot, we weren't the only ones who couldn't resist exploring.

  4. Those arches are amazing, Linda! When I see things like that in nature I have to wonder how much the Great Flood of Noah's day influenced them. The picture of the people to the left of the one arch really puts its greatness into perspective. As always, thank you, my friend, for sharing your trip with us. I always feel as if I am right there with you. Your photography is amazing!

    1. The rain had flooded the viewing area for Delicate Arch, the iconic arch of that national park, when we were there. So we weren't able to get any photos there. But the whole park is full of amazing rock formations and arches. What I've shown here is a very small sampling. Thanks for the kind words about my photography. God did the hard part. Thanks for traveling with us. :)

  5. Wow---loved it!!!! The first time we were at the Arches -it was almost 100 degrees... I almost got sick!!! The last time we went (2017) --the weather was not quite as hot --but there were many more people around than on the day you were there. We love seeing that place over and over.

    I hope that this was not your "last hoorah" ... I know that trips like this get harder with each year --but I hope we can keep doing them as long as physically possible, even if they are shorter ones...

    SO enjoying your trip!!!!!

    1. Betsy, the very first time I visited Arches, it was a National Monument. I wasn't married and was traveling alone, totally unprepared for the desert conditions. I didn't even have a bottle of water in the car. A kind man, a photographer, I believe, was traveling in an RV and invited me to join him in a glass of iced tea outside his RV. I look back now at what could have been a dangerous situation for a young woman alone and can't help wondering if that might have been an angel encounter,.

      As for the "Last Hurrah," I believe this was our last solo trip involving thousands of miles. As you say, it does get harder with each passing year. You know we love the Smokies, though; and we hope to continue our vacations there. Hopefully, we'll enjoy some other getaways that don't involve miles and miles of miles and miles.

  6. It's such a captivating area! And it's so surprising to see that woman at the top of Turret Arch, isn't that forbidden to climb the rocks?

    1. I don't believe it's forbidden in most cases, although there are restrictions when it comes to some of the more fragile formations. But it certainly doesn't seem wise to climb up where that woman did. This park is one of our favorites, for all the interesting rock formations. As you said, it's captivating. And we're willing captives.
