
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Our New Villa

Well, I decided that, if I waited to take pictures of the inside of the villa until everything was neat and tidy, it would never happen. So I'm just going to show it to you as it is.

This is the living room as viewed from the entryway.

This is the dining area, just off the living room.

The Kitchen
We're calling this the den, although it's officially the second bedroom.

The "den" has been the big hold up in showing you pictures of the new house. As you can see, we still have a lot of organizing to do here. We each have a work area. Mine is in the corner on the right. Doug's is in the middle, beside the recliner.

Because the intended use of this room was as a bedroom, it has a closet on each end of the room. In addition to what you see in the above photo, we have two chests of drawers and a tall-but-narrow bookcase also in the room. Doug is using the closets and chests of drawers in this room for his things and letting me have the walk-in closet off the master bedroom for my things. Of course, the walk-in closet is also a catch all for everything that we haven't found another place for. I'm not showing you a picture of that!

The two photos above show the master (translate that "only") bedroom. We had that large bedroom furniture in the old house, and it took careful planning to figure out how to make it fit in the new house. We didn't want to give it up, though, because of the storage it provides. We were thrilled with how well it turned out.

This is the bathroom off the master bedroom. The walk-in closet is to the right.

This is the second bathroom.

So this gives you an idea of our new living quarters. The villa is smaller, and it's sometimes challenging to get organized; but we're very happy that we made the move.

We've continued to be busy emptying the old house and finding homes for the things we can no longer keep or no longer need. The sale of that house will become final on Friday, and we'll be free to focus all our attention on our new house. We're looking forward to just enjoying it.


  1. Thank you, dear Linda, for sharing these pictures of your beautiful new home! It is just lovely! Glad you were able to get all of your bedroom furniture in the master bedroom. It looks lovely! xx

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Dianna. That bedroom furniture was a challenge. Doug had made templates so that we could experiment with the arrangement before moving day arrived. I don't think anyone thought it would fit, but it did. And it's very comfortable and cozy.

  2. Your new home looks wonderful. I'm sure you will be happy there.

  3. It looks like a perfect arrangement. Enjoy your new house!

    1. Thanks, Duta. The house does have a nice layout, much more efficient than that of our previous house.

  4. Congratulations on the sale of your old home -- I know that is a big load off your minds. Your new home looks beautiful.

  5. What a lovely home, i use my 2nd bedroom for too many uses.

    1. Thanks, Steve. We had really hoped to put a small bed in that second bedroom, just for those times when one of us is sick; but we had to give up on that idea. But it's working out much better than I'd anticipated for having the two work spaces in there.

  6. Your dining area looks very similar to mine. Your hardwood floors are beautiful!

    Love the red bedspread!

    1. Thanks, Sandi. I don't think our floors are actually hardwood. I think they're a laminate or something. But they really do look like the real thing. That bedspread moved with us from the old house, where we had matching drapes. I probably wouldn't have chosen it for our current bedroom, but we couldn't see spending money to get a new one. We don't call my husband TW (which stands for Tightwad) for nothing. ;)

  7. Congratulations on the move to a new house. May you always be happy there. We have that exact Cross on your first photo at home.

    Happy Advent. God bless.

    1. Thanks for the visit, Victor, and for the good wishes for life in our new home. That cross was made by someone at a church we attended several years ago.

  8. Linda, thank you for letting us peek in your new home, it looks cosy. I love that attitude of "just enjoying the new house", stick to it! :)

    1. Thank you, Petra. Saying that our house looks "cozy" is a high compliment in our minds. It's what we always strive for, cozy and welcoming. Of course, tidy is also a good word...and one that we haven't quite achieved least, not in every room. ;)

    2. I find cosy much better than tidy :) but of course, certain level of tidiness is desirable... :)
