
Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Move

Life has been a little crazy around here during the last couple of months, as you may have guessed by my lack of posting lately. I just wanted to pop in and give you an update.

We closed the purchase of our new villa on September 12, and we left on a three-week vacation on September 27. We made arrangements to have the interior of the villa painted and new carpet installed while we were away.

We returned from vacation on October 17, and quickly began moving by carloads. Our new home is only six miles away from our old home, so we planned to do most of the moving ourselves, one carload at a time.

Our church has a large box truck with a lift which is used for the church's food ministry. Our senior pastor offered to get some guys together and use the lift truck to move our heavier things. When moving day arrived on November 2, though, the crew consisted of only the senior pastor and an associate pastor.

We could never have done this without these godly men. The furniture was heavy and the work was hard, and still they could smile as the job neared completion.

We're still living among boxes, but I'll post some pictures when we get the mess cleaned up.

And there will also be a travelogue of the three-week trip out west. That should take us through the winter. (Smiles)


  1. Congrats, Linda.. The hard part is over.... You can unpack and fix up the new home gradually...... Take some time and get some rest...


    1. We're taking today off, Betsy; and it feels wonderful. I'm afraid I'm not using it wisely, though. We do love our new place and look forward to "living" here, not just occupying during the move, if you know what I mean.

  2. it is good to know you have safely moved to your new home and marvellous that you had 2 birly men to assist you Linda. May you find peace and happiness there

    1. Thank you, Margaret. Our two pastors made a great team, working well together. They were a blessing, for sure.

  3. :-)

    Yay for helping hands! What a blessing.

  4. SO good to see a post from you, my friend! I'm so thankful for your pastor and the associate pastor that took care of the big stuff for you and Doug! Living among boxes can be interesting...but slow and steady gets the job done.

    I'll be looking forward to pictures of your new home when you are able to share them.

    I'll also be looking forward to the pictures from your vacation! You do the best job of sharing things like that!

    1. Thank you, Dianna. I hated leaving the blog untended for so long, but my heart just wasn't into posting during all we had going on. It's slowing down a bit now, and I'm looking forward to more regular posting here. We called this last vacation our "Last Hurrah," as it's probably the last major driving trip we will take. So we tried to make it special, and I'll have a lot to share from it.

  5. I don't envy you at all with your move, but I am glad that your pastors (and their truck) were able to help out. What would we do without people like that?

    1. The stress of the move is gradually lightening. Now we're focused on selling the old house. Our pastors ARE a blessing, always; but the work they put into our move was...well...sacrificial. I don't know what we would do without people like that. May we never find out.

  6. Moving is so much work, but I'm sure you will love your new home.I'm looking forward to getting a virtual tour of your home.

    1. It IS work, Ruth...more than we expected. But we already love the new house. I look forward to sharing pictures of it here.

  7. Glad the main part is near done, that is really tough work. I have reduced my belongings so many times. I served an early Thanksgiving meal last night at a church where we serve a weekly community meal.Plan on serving even a larger one next thursday, we delivered 1800 meals alone last year

    1. I know you also recently downsized, Steve; so I know you understand how difficult it can be. It's slowly becoming easier to find things. Now, if only we could find that TV remote... ;)

  8. Moving looks like so much FUN! HA! HA! I'm so glad it's you and not us :) But seriously I'm so happy for you to be moving into your lovely new home and getting settled.

    1. It was a lot harder than what we remembered from the last time we moved almost 30 years ago! Of course, our memories aren't what they used to be. ;)

  9. Linda, I was moving several times so I know how challenging the moving can be... and I am so happy for you that you got the help you needed and managed everything. I hope you'll enjoy living in your new house.

    1. I haven't had to move very often, Petra; and the last time was many years ago. But this move has been more difficult than I had anticipated. The reward, though, is that we love our new little home. We're still working hard to get everything removed from the old house. The new owners want to take possession by mid-December.

  10. hope, you have fun with moving to new house.
    have a great day

    1. Thank you, Tanza. It's been an experience, but we'll soon be settling down to our new normal. ;)
