
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Spaghetti Supreme

There is an unassuming little Italian restaurant in the small town where we attend church. There is nothing about the outside of the eatery that would attract attention, and even the inside is far from elegant. But the food is amazing. The Spaghetti Supreme is our particular favorite.

There are two ladies with whom we sit every week at church. Vicki is a recent widow, and Bonnie's husband has health issues that keep him from getting out much. Bonnie's sister, Kak, lives about an hour and a half away but visits frequently. And, when Kak comes to town, we all get together for a meal at Salvatori's.

Kak was in town last week.

Linda, Doug, Kak, Bonnie, and Vicki

And the star of the show: Spaghetti Supreme

The prices are reasonable, and the portions are huge. Doug and I always split one order and sometimes have some left over to take home. We must have been extra hungry on this night because we cleaned our plates.


  1. The spaghetti looks delicious. Finding places like this are a real treasure. My parents had Sunday lunch after church at a small restaurant in their hometown for years. Everyone who worked there knew them and took good care of them.

    1. There is a group of people from our church who go every Sunday to a nearby restaurant to share a meal together after church. We join them occasionally, but Doug has a hearing loss that makes it difficult for him to be in large groups of people. So we don't go as frequently as we might otherwise. The staff of the restaurant, like the place your parents used to go, treat our church group like old friends when they see them trouping into the restaurant each week.

  2. yum nice to share a meal, it surely makes their day shine

    1. I agree Steve. Good food and good friends definitely brighten a day.

  3. Oh my goodness, what a delicious looking plate of spaghetti.
    Some of our favorite restaurants might be considered dives if judged by the seating and wall decor, but since we don't eat the decor we, too, judge them by the food.
    I'm pea-green with envy.

    1. Toni, if you and Goodman are ever up this way, we'd love to take you to Salvatori's. Here's how their menu describes the Spaghetti Supreme: "Spaghetti and meat sauce tossed with Italian sausage, pepperoni, capicola, onion, green pepper, mushrooms, and black olives baked under a blanket of mozzarella." I never knew spaghetti could taste so good. ;)

  4. That looks amazing and very delicious.

    1. It really is, Ruth. I've never encountered anything like it elsewhere.

  5. YUM----that truly looks amazing... I'm not usually a Spaghetti-lover --but that one, I would definitely love... Maybe we should come to visit you two!!!!!! ha

    Nothing better than good friends and good food....


    1. We don't have many waterfalls around here, Betsy; but we do have great spaghetti. Let us know when you're going to be in the area. ;)

  6. Your Spaghetti Supreme looks yummy! How is it that we've missed going there with you? I recognize all those lovely ladies around your table...the handsome fella as well :)

    1. You did go there with us once, Diane! It was before one of Terry's appointments at the VA, and the service was really slow, causing us some anxiety about his making it to the appointment on time. I don't remember whether you ordered the spaghetti supreme, though. Let's give it another try when we're not watching the clock.

    2. Oh yes, Linda I do remember going there with you and Doug! The Spaghetti Supreme was GREAT!!! They were very busy and the service was S L O W, but that was the only negative thing about the meal! Let's go there again!

    3. You just name the time, Diane! We'll be glad to go there with you again.

  7. The spaghetti looks delicious, but what is even better is sharing the meal with friends and enjoying the fellowship. Growing up, we used to eat Sunday lunch out quite a bit, going to the same few places, the folks get to know you and it even becomes a bit more personal.

    1. Food is definitely better when enjoyed with good friends. When I was growing up, no restaurants were open on Sundays. ;)

  8. The portion does look huge! I love spaghetti and these look delicious... :)

    1. It's the best spaghetti dish I've ever had, Petra. The picture doesn't do it justice. ;)
