
Tuesday, January 16, 2018


After our frigid temperatures, we experienced a spring-like warm-up which turned our beautiful snow into ugly slush. And then came another snow to freshen everything up again and turn our yard into a winter wonderland.

A Neighbor's Yard and a Child's Abandoned Toy

Our House

A Carefully Tended Grave

This grave is directly across the road from our house, and we often see the family changing the decorations with the changing seasons. The snow adds a nice touch.


  1. Yesterday i was taking pics of some drifts that were unusual. It is suppose to be warmer the next few days, but -3 right now.Taking a road trip with a friend from church to look for eagles today.

    1. We're expecting warmer temperatures over the next few days, too, Steve. I'll be looking forward to seeing your eagle pictures.

  2. Good Morning, Just lost my entire comment since Google made me sign in....????? Anyhow I was complimenting your snow and your pictures....

    If you get the other comment, please delete this one...


    1. I'm sorry you had trouble commenting, Betsy. It happens sometimes. Thanks for persisting and for the compliment on the post.

  3. The snow around your house is beautiful, but I would still prefer that it stayed away from here!

    1. Your bride might not agree with you on your snow comment, George. I do appreciate a beautiful snow. So far this season, that's the kind we've had.

  4. I LOVE the snow pics, Linda. Yours is much prettier than the scruffy drifts we got yesterday. The sermon at church Sunday morning included scriptures from the book of Job and other books along with photos of God's magnificence displayed in snowflakes. I loved it and tried to get good photos of single snowflakes on the deck as they fell yesterday, but they were too distorted having come through different temperatures in the atmosphere. Enjoy your snow. :)

    1. Thanks, Toni. I applaud your attempt to capture photos of individual snowflakes. I've never tried it and think it would be a frustrating effort. We're expecting another warm-up, so our beautiful snow will be looking scruffy soon enough. ;)

  5. I love the way the snow cascades down the evergreen tree. It seems like not many folks are missing snow this winter.
    You have a beautiful setting around your house and yard, thanks for sharing.

    1. I love that cascading look, too. The conditions have to be right for that to happen, and they were this time. Yes, snow is happening in places that rarely see it this year...including Alabama! ;)

  6. That is a beautiful layer of snow.It's just enough to make the world look extra lovely.

    1. My sentiments exactly, Ruth! I love snow when it's fresh and clean and white. All too soon it will lose its luster. Then we'll look forward to the next round.

  7. Those are pretty snow photos and that swing looks especially photogenic.

    1. Thank you, Terra, for visiting and commenting. I liked the way those two branches from two different trees came together behind the swing.

  8. I enjoyed viewing your beautiful snow pictures. Isn't it neat how when the fresh snow falls it really does cover up the ugly muddy slush from before? It is a blessing to me to see families who really do tend to the graves of their loved ones. xx

    1. Thank you, Dianna. I do love the way everything looks so clean after a fresh snow. I'm not one to tend graves, but I enjoy seeing some of the creative ways that graves in the cemetery across the road from us are decorated.

  9. It's interesting how snow changes the world around us making it softer and shinier and somehow more interesting. I'm fascinated by that decoration of the grave...

    1. Petra, the autumn decorations on that grave were really pretty, even including pumpkins. I took a photo of it then but can't find it now. I may have deleted it, deeming it unworthy or inappropriate to share. One reason I felt free to share the winter one was that the snow obscured the name.
