
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

When Fall Meets Winter

Saturday brought a little over an inch of snow, our first measurable accumulation this season. Our oak tree had finally released most of its leaves during the few days preceding the snow, but Doug hadn't been able to burn them due to high winds. Well, the winds were calm on Saturday, so Doug went out to burn the snow.

A child's toy left out in the snow in the yard behind ours. 
That's another neighbor's boxer in the background (not a deer).
Snow on the crabapples
White Pine

Our Back Yard Swing

More snow is in the forecast. Fall and winter have met, and winter has won.


  1. I like the pic of Doug, determined to get rid of that pile

    1. Steve, you read Doug right. He WAS determined to get rid of that pile of leaves. :)

  2. Everyone north of us and everyone south of us got some snow this past weekend but not US..... Crazy!!!!! Our area always seems to get missed.... For a snow-lover like me, that is so disheartening... Oh Well---maybe later, we will get some...

    We've had a hard time getting our fall leaves up this year in a timely matter too.... We had such a late fall and it was SO warm, we still had roses and irises blooming in November. So instead of getting everything cleaned up and finished up for winter before Thanksgiving, we are still working on the yard in December this year... NOT fun...

    Merry Christmas to you two...


    1. Betsy, our pastor has two daughters in Atlanta, and they reported having gotten several inches of snow. We figured you guys did, too. So funny how those weather patterns can divide like that. I'm sure it was nice to enjoy your flowers into November, but not so nice to enjoy leaf raking in December. :)

  3. Those first few light snows, leave such beautiful decorations on everything.

    1. They do, indeed, Ruth. We were supposed to get a heavier snow today, but it didn't happen.

  4. Doug looks so small against the pile of leaves! Nice documentary photo... :)
    I enjoyed the snow you've captured, your photos are lovely. We also had some on Sunday evening but it melted during the night.

    1. That WAS a pretty big pile of leaves, Petra, and mostly from one tree. The oak is always the last to drop its leaves. Thank you for the kind comment about the photos.

  5. Great pictures Linda! Don't you just love taking pics of the beauty of God's creation...and our husbands working :) At first glance I thought the neighbors dog was a deer!

    1. Thank you, Diane. I do love taking pictures of nature...and of my hard-working husband. That boxer was in full retreat in that shot. He's very timid; and, when he discovered my presence, he high-tailed it for home, almost whimpering as he went.

  6. I love the placement of your swing pitched in among the trees what a nice area to go and swing and just think on God's word. I really like your capture of the snow on the pretty and fresh. I too thought your neighbor's dog was a deer.
    Take care and Merry Christmas in case you do not have another post before Christmas...

    1. That corner of our yard was perfect for the swing. In the summertime, when the shrubs have leaves, it's a very cozy and private little spot. Thanks for your kind remarks about the crabapples photo. That tree provides me with a lot of pictures. It flowers in the spring, and the leaves turn in the fall. The fruit itself lasts until spring and provides food for the birds and squirrels.
