
Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Moose Lake & Christmas Lights

On December 12, Doug and I joined our church's senior group for a short drive to Moose Lake Christian Craft Village. There were 31 of us, including three who met us at our destination. There wasn't enough room on the church bus for everyone, so Doug and I drove separately and provided transportation to two other ladies who are good friends.

We ate supper at Moose Lake Village, which offers a variety of menu choices. The servers kept the snacks coming as we waited for our meals, so much so that we didn't have much appetite for the actual meals when they arrived. But they offered to-go boxes, so that solved that problem. And there were no complaints about the wait for the meals since we were eating the whole time.

The general store offers a large selection of craft items, many of which are Amish-made. Click here for a link to a write-up about Moose Lake and the variety of products and activities offered there.

Lotions and Soaps
Himalayan Salts and Scents

Amish Jar Goods
A small rustic chapel at Moose Lake

After spending a couple of hours at Moose Lake, we took a drive through the Fantasy of Lights in Fort Wayne.

Fantasy of Lights

Next, we drove through downtown Fort Wayne to see some of the lights there. At this point, we lost track of the church bus we were following and missed some of the most popular displays. But I did manage to get pictures of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Bridge and the Lincoln Tower. 

For as long as I can remember, the Lincoln Tower has placed electric candles in every window during the Christmas season. It's a beautiful sight, which is perhaps not evident in my photo.

The white building to the right is the county courthouse. It's a gorgeous structure, full of architectural artistry, and one that I should feature on the blog sometime.

I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas as we all pause to remember and to celebrate the greatest Gift ever given.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)


  1. Hi, What a great post... Made me smile as I read it early this morning.... Those church groups give so many Seniors a chance to see and do things which they may not be able to do otherwise. That is a big group from your church....

    I'd love to not only eat but visit that Amish place.... AND--those Christmas lights are spectacular.... Depending upon the weather, we hope to get to the Gatlinburg area to see their lights soon....

    Merry Christmas.

    1. Thank you, Betsy. I'd like to take the credit for your smile this morning, but I know that this season is one in which your smile is almost always evident. That WAS a big group of seniors. Not all of them attend our church. Some are friends of attenders, and some just come to our senior activities. I hope you do make it to Gatlinburg to see the lights...and don't lose your Christmas spirit in the traffic. :)

  2. What a nice trip for the group at your church to enjoy. After the Smokies and historical sites, the places where you can eat and have a general store, too, are my favorite places to visit. And it was very smart of the restaurant to serve snacks while you waited for your food.
    We haven't been out to see any lights except the ones on our road so I loved seeing your photos of the light displays, great collage. Thank you for sharing.
    Wishing you and Doug a wonderful Christmas and thanking the Lord for the reason for the season. :)

    1. This place did make me think of you, Toni. I think you would have enjoyed it. Those snacks that they served us were items that can be purchased in the store, so there was perhaps an ulterior motive for serving them. Thank you for the compliment on the collage. I was pleased with how that turned out. Merry Christmas to you and Goodman!

  3. i have been attending a number of musicals and plays this last few weeks. Hope you have a wonderful holiday.

    1. This is definitely the season for musicals and dramas, Steve. And it's a good way to get into the spirit of the season. Merry Christmas to you!

  4. It sounds like a nice outing, Linda, it was quite a big group of participants. I would love to open some of the jars Amish produced to taste the contents! :) The Fantasy of Lights looks captivating and I love the bridge and the tower. It must feel impressive when you are passing by it.

    1. It was fun, Petra. And there WERE a lot of us. As I mentioned in my comment to Betsy, they're not all from our church but they join us for senior activities. I'm not sure if a visitor to our town would find the tower impressive. For me, it stirs nostalgia since it's been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. The photo was take from the car as we drove by. I should take a tripod and try for a better shot. I really haven't had much practice with night photography, though, and would probably mess it up. ;)

  5. Well, I almost forgot to wish you and Doug blessed Christmas holidays, enjoy the celebrations!

  6. WOW! Sounds and looks like so much fun. I'm not sure which I would enjoy the most, the food, the shopping or the beautiful lights.

    1. It really was a good time, Ruth. I'm not much of a shopper, but I certainly enjoyed the food and the lights.

    2. What a wonderful outing with good friends, i bet y'all were stuffed by the time the meal was finished. The Fantasy of Lights liked really nice. We used to go to the Fantasy in Lights at Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain Georgia. It is a 7 mile drive with music and over 8 million lights. Glad you had a wonderful day and we wish you and Doug a very Merry Christmas...yes it is especially a time to remember when God came down in the form of a baby and live among us.

    3. Our tummies were feeling pretty happy after all that food. ;) Our local light display is very nice but would probably pale in comparison to the one you mentioned. Merry Christmas to you and Mike as well!

  7. What a great day! Merry Christmas to you and yours, and may many blessings come your way!
