
Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Here And There

These are a few more images from October, the first two from our yard and the last three from a visit to Doug's brother, Dennis, in Michigan.

The leaves pictured above were caught in one of those long webs that stream through the air in the fall, seemingly attached to nothing except your face when you walk into one. The leaves looked like a small kite, floating to and fro in the wind. Doug spotted them and suggested I get my camera. I'm glad he did.

Since I had the camera out anyway, I walked around the yard to see what else might suggest a photo. The crabapple tree seemed a likely choice.

The tree is loaded with fruit this year and will provide food for the birds and squirrels this winter.

The following three photos were taken on October 28, during a trip to Michigan to visit Dennis.

The fall colors were so pretty as we took Dennis on a scenic drive of the back roads near his home. The image quality of the above photo isn't the greatest, but it's not too bad considering that I was shooting through the windshield from the back seat. 

We visited John Wilson Park in June, and I wanted to come back and see what it looked like in the fall. I was glad we did.

The Greenfield House in Athens, Michigan

On our way to John Wilson Park, we passed this house and that beautiful tree. It was close to the park, so I just walked a few more steps to get this photo.


  1. That first is fantastic, a very nice find. It appears to be falling and caught stop action.

    1. Thanks, Steve. You're the one who's good at capturing falling leaves. I needed the help of a web. :)

  2. You've captured some beautiful autumn color. I really like the leaf in your first photo.

  3. At first I thought you had captured those leaves in mid air.It is beautiful. As I looked close,I can see the tiny web, or at least a bit of it. I love the fall,colorful scenes.

    1. Thanks, Ruth. I probably should have taken a video of the leaves. They really did look like a little kite blowing in the wind.

  4. I like that single leaf falling in mid air. Maybe that is why the season is called fall... Linda, you really captured some beautiful fall colors, I know you enjoyed it very much.

  5. I like that impressive autumnal feel in your photos, Linda, and I absolutely love the first photo. I also thought the leaves were captured when falling so finding out they were caught on a web sounded very surprising. Doug is a good observer!

    1. Thanks, Petra. Doug IS a good observer. He's helped me find several shots that I might otherwise have that praying mantis image that you edited for me. I'm pleased that you liked the photo of the leaves in the web.

  6. Linda, I can't wear the color red with my light complexion, but I love seeing it in nature. The crab apple tree is really gorgeous. The leaf suspended by the web is an amazing shot, too. Lovely autumnal post. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks, Toni. Nature can wear any combination of colors with style, can't it? Glad you enjoyed the photos.

  7. Beautiful colored trees. Nice to see the reflection of the colorful tree in the pond:)

    1. I liked that reflection, too. Sort of a double dose of color. :)
