
Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Brother-in-law Update #2

The good news is that the hospital is being very thorough in their testing before taking Dennis to surgery. The bad news is that all the testing, and the resulting delays, are making Dennis a little testy.

They've done an ultrasound test to check the circulation in his feet and lower legs. They've done a CT scan. And they've done another ultrasound test to map the arteries in the left leg, which is the one that has the foot with the dead toes.

He was supposed to have had an angiogram today, inserting dye into the artery or arteries in that left leg, further checking the circulation. At the same time, they were going to check the veins in the right leg to see if any of those could be used to improve the circulation in the left leg. Unfortunately, those tests have been delayed until tomorrow.

So, at this point, it's looking like it might be next week before the actual surgery can happen.


  1. I imagine it's best to be thorough in cases like these, even though the delays can be frustrating for all involved. Give him my best wishes.

  2. Hi Linda. Thanks for the update. I am sure all these tests are important.

  3. All that testing can be exhausting,but in the end t should give the doctors all the info they need.I do hope they can help him.

  4. i know he must be very frustrated - and you must be worn down. i hope all can proceed, though.

  5. Slow to go, but I hope for the best. Unfortunately with the circulation problems it can be progressive with removals.

  6. I hope that he will pull through and that everything will be fine. Those continuous tests would make anyone feel unease.

  7. thanks for keeping us posted. thinking about you all. as i have gotten older i have always wished i knew the words that would encourage others in uncertain times ... "keeping the faith" kind of thoughts. ( :

  8. I'm really glad to hear they are being thorough, but it's just so frustrating to have treatment delayed.
    It's so difficult for some of us to be pleasant when in pain. *raises hand*
    Praying for all of you and trusting the Lord knows what's best for all.

  9. Thanks for the update. Poor Dennis is really getting put through the ringer. I hope this all turns out okay for him.

  10. Hi Linda! Thank you for the news. I'm sure he is getting frustrated. On with the show! But they want to be very sure they are doing the right thing. Still praying and hoping for the absolute best. So happy to see your message the other day. You are such a great blog-friend.

  11. It's probably a good thing that they are being so thorough, but I can understand why Dennis is getting 'testy'.

  12. It is good that they are being careful and thorough but I sympathize with your brother-n-law...poor guy. I pray all will be well with no complications and a quick recovery.

  13. Although frustrating as heck for him, the testing is very necessary. Good to know they are being so thorough. I had to grin that the testing was making him testy...well, what else, lol! Still praying for the best outcome surgically for him and patience for you guys.

  14. Hello on a gorgeous, spring day in TENNESSEE. Wow---after the long and bitter winter we had this year, Spring is even more inviting and lovely.

    I am thrilled that the new hospitals and doctors are being so thorough... My prayers are with him ---and all of the family. Keep us posted.

    We are now home 'again' --after our 5th trip since the end of February.... Seems as if we visited five different states --although the trips weren't planned for that reason... ha... BUT--as I always say, it's great to be home... I did publish a blog post today--so check it out when you have time. Have a wonderful weekend.


  15. I hope and pray things will go great with Dennis' surgery. I hope all goes well. Please keep us posted.

  16. Dennis just needs to accept the care, Linda, I don't doubt you try to explain it to him all the time. The thorough examination is very important and it is very good that the hospital has taken this approach.

  17. Linda, I stopped by to let you know that I am thinking of you, and that I am continuing prayers. Sending you a warm hug.

  18. Hopefully everything goes smoothly from here on out.

  19. Ugh.. that sounds so frustrating for everyone. Especially Dennis.
