
Friday, April 04, 2014

An Update on My Brother-in-law

Good golly, Miss Molly! How can I thank you all for your supportive comments and offers of prayers for my brother-in-law, Dennis? You guys are the best!
Here's the latest:
While we expected to play the he's-going-home game again on Wednesday, it didn't happen. Instead, thankfully, they were able to get a room for him in a larger V. A. hospital which is better equipped for the surgery he'll be needing. He was transferred to the new hospital on Wednesday afternoon.
The new hospital is only a few miles further from our home than the first one was...still in the two-hour range. Doug and I went to see him yesterday and were able to also have a nice visit with Dennis' middle daughter and her daughter, who had driven down from northern Michigan to see him.
Nothing much was done with Dennis yesterday. The hospital is running tests that will determine just how extensive the surgery will need to be. One doctor told us that, most likely, they will continue to pump antibiotics into him through the weekend, with surgery probably not being scheduled before next week.
Thanks again for all the kind words and prayers. You can't imagine what a boost they've been to my spirit.


  1. i am so glad they admitted him to another facility (still within range for you, albeit, far). keeping fingers crossed.

  2. Sounds like things are more on his side. Nice to have family near.

  3. I'm glad Dennis was able to get a hospital bed at a facility relatively close to you. Hopefully he will now get the treatment and surgery that he needs. We'll continue to keep all of you in our prayers.

  4. It's good to hear that more family members are there for support. Will continue to pray for Dennis and for you and Doug. May God keep you all safe as you travel back and forth.

  5. Glad to hear that things are under control for now. We are one big family and here to uphold one another. God bless.

  6. I'm so glad things are working out with the new hospital. Thank the Lord. Your brother-in-law is blessed to have you and Doug there to help him out. And I'm so glad the daughter and granddaughter are there, too. I imagine it would be depressing to be in the hospital with no family around. We'll keep all of you in our prayers.
    If you find a great cappuccino around there anywhere - have one for me. *giggles* I had my first one years ago when we were spending a lot of time at our local Children's Hospital so I always remember that whenever anyone says the word hospital.
    Hope you are getting plenty of rest, and have a good weekend!

  7. I hope Dennis will be better soon. I send you all my love and wish you all lots of strength!

  8. thanks, for keeping us posted. prayers are still coming that (your) way. ( :

  9. Linda, I really appreciate the update. I am continuing prayers. Sending you a hug.

  10. Thank you for the update. I'll keep him in my prayers too.

  11. I'm glad you no longer need to do the guessing game of where you need to be at any given time. Now you can focus your energy on helping Dennis through this. Sending healing thoughts his way and a warm, supportive hug to you and Doug.

  12. I'm so hoping there's a positive outcome for Dennis, and glad his daughter made the trip.

  13. Hi Linda. Well. Denis is in the right place now and I hope things work out for him soon. Have a restful weekend.

  14. So glad that they transferred him to another hospital. Hopefully, they can do something to help him BEFORE sending him home. Hope they can perform the necessary surgery. Keep us posted.

    Amazing how illness and things like death can bring families closer together. Glad Doug got to spend some time with Dennis' daughter and her daughter...

    Hugs and Prayers for Dennis,

  15. Linda, it is great that Dennis was moved into a better equipped hospital, is treated properly and stays under supervision. He may not like the stay there but it will surely help him. You and Doug have done a great job in helping him!

  16. Hi Linda! I'm so happy for the added news about Dennis, thank you so much. I'm so relieved that you didn't have to bring him home. It sounds like he is in an ideal place for now. This post is a few days old, maybe you have a better idea of when his surgery will be? I will keep praying for him, and all of you who support him so well.

  17. Hopefully this shift will lead to a good result.....
