
Thursday, February 13, 2014


I haven't really posted any photos from this harsh winter, other than my header photo, partly because the snow has been deeper than my boots are tall and partly because it's just been so cold that I haven't wanted to go out.
But Wednesday morning's hoarfrost drew me outside, in spite of our record-setting temperature of 15 below zero Fahrenheit (-26 C). A fog moved in and immediately froze on the trees, which, when the sun came out, created a sight just too compelling to ignore.

I hope you agree.  

I'll be back with more Florida birds next time.


  1. Too compelling to ignore indeed, Linda! Wow!

  2. Wow.. they are beautiful images. I've still never seen me a good hoarfrost. I imagine I will eventually, around here. Lovely photos. Keep on keeping warm.

  3. oh, i loved it when snow lays gently on the trees & other surfaces like that. so gorgeous. we had some snow last night & it sounds like it is icy now ... very pretty. but not good for driving. hope folks will stay home & cozy. i enjoyed this post. always a fan of snow. always!! ( :

  4. Oh wow, the hoarfrost is really gorgeous on those trees! I've seen hoarfrost only a few times....just beautiful. We have seven inches of snow this morning, and while my boots are taller than that, I'm not looking forward to my trip to the barn to feed the chickens. Woe is me, lol.
    Stay warm!

  5. and you had beautiful blue skies to show it off, too! awesome!

  6. Its always fun to see the trees painted like this

  7. I'm glad you ventured outside. These photos are simply gorgeous.

  8. Those are just beautiful! Amazing what a bit of fog can create!

  9. Oh my gosh...stunning! I love the contrast in colors. Looks like a winter wonderland. That is some wicked cold y'all have there. I would be afraid to take my camera out in it. I read somewhere that if it gets too cold and then brought into a warm house that condensation can damage the camera. :/

  10. Nice icy images. The forest somehow looks magical.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  11. The hoar frosts turn the world into a magical place. I love these shots and am so glad you shared them.

  12. Now that's a true winter wonderland. It makes our Texas ice storm look downright puny! Thanks for visiting my place.

  13. Absolutely beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing.

  14. marveling at your beautiful wintry pictures~ what a spectacular!

    happy valentine's day!

  15. Happy Valentine's Day to you, dear Linda!

  16. I love the trees next to the blue named your blog behold the beauty ♥

  17. We had quite a few days like that. I haven't gotten pictures though as it's been days when I was working.

  18. -26°C? Brr, but what a photographer wouldn't do for a nice photo, right? :))
    I'm so glad you went out and captured the frozen trees, they look marvellous against the blue sky.

  19. The wintery pictures looked more beautiful in Harlan than I remember here. Probably the touch of the great photographer and of course our Lord's spectacular creation. Who can doubt the Hand of the living God and the wonders He created for us to enjoy?

    Psalm 8: - "3 - When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, 4 - what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? 5 - You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned Him with beauty and honor."

    Thank you for writing and being so mindful of this beauty. It takes your breath away when we love Him and meditate on His Word.
