
Saturday, November 16, 2013

In and Around Grand Teton National Park

The photographs in today's post were all taken in and around Grand Teton National Park on the afternoon of September 19th.

Horse pasture at the base of the Grand Tetons

T. A. Moulton Barn

John Moulton Barn

Old Fencing at the site of the John Moulton Barn

Jackson Lake

A little fall color

We covered a lot of ground that day...meeting up with Betty in Dubois, then seeing the beautiful scenery and horses between Dubois and the Grand Tetons, then a quick tour of Grand Teton National Park; and we're not finished yet. Later that afternoon, we drove from the Tetons into Yellowstone National Park, where we did some sightseeing on our way to our lodging in West Yellowstone, Montana. So the next posts from this trip will feature some scenery from Yellowstone.

On another note, some of you who have been with me for awhile might remember when I wrote about my cousin, Bill, here. Well, we lost Bill on November 8, when he was killed in a motorcycle accident. He was a very experienced rider, having ridden motorcycles for probably 50 years. He has ridden solo on a  Four Corners tour, where he rode to the four corners of the continental United States. He also rode solo from his home in Ohio to Alaska, tent camping along the way. On the day he was killed, he was just on a day trip to the neighboring state of Indiana.

Anyway, I apologize for ending this post on a sad note, but somehow I just couldn't let Bill's passing go unmentioned.



  1. Breath-taking scenery photos! Just so beautiful. I especially like the one with the horses in - fabulous! So sad to hear about your cousin Bill.

  2. these are so beautiful. what wonderful territory.

    i am sorry for the loss of your cousin. he died doing what he loved, obviously.

  3. Hi Linda, I love the barn photos but especially the photo with the horses. Sorry to hear you lost your cousin to an accident. Sounds like he lived life to the fullest though.

  4. The images of the barn and horses with the mountains in the background are simply awesome! They belong on postcards or something. What a magnificent viewing area.

    So, so sorry for the loss of your cousin. A dear friend of mine whose husband was a prominent doctor in Dallas was driving his motorcycle to work early one morning (I think 6AM), staying on the side roads to be careful, and a drunk driver plowed into him as he sat at a stop sign. He died instantly. So sad. I hope your cousin didn't suffer or linger. My sincerest condolences on your loss. :(

  5. Wow, spectacular views.. isn't that barn one that's photographed and on calendars a lot??

    1. Madge - Yes, both of those barns are reputed to be "the most photographed barns in America." I think the T. A. Moulton barn might be more popular than the John Moulton barn, but both have those magnificent mountains behind them. I think one really needs to get there in the early morning, in order to get the right light on the barns and capture the mountains before the clouds move in to cover the peaks.

  6. You had a beautiful day for visiting the Tetons. I think our visit to the Tetons was the biggest disappointment of our trip last year since the smoke was so thick. Your pictures are wonderful.

    I'm sorry to hear about Bill's death. You and his family are in our prayers.

  7. That is so sad to hear about Bill's tragic death, Linda. But--he obviously was doing something he loved when he died… We all may not get that chance! God Bless his family.

    Great photos from the Tetons. Hope we get back there sometime when there's no smoke around.

  8. So sorry to hear about Bill. Such a tragedy. Those are great images. The landscapes are amazing Linda.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  9. I already feel relaxed just by looking at those photos. I can guess what it must be like to really be there in person.

  10. The only time I was at Grand Teton National Park it was snowing. The mountains looked incredible but I think I would have preferred joining you at this time of year to enjoy the colors.

  11. Did you see my shots of the Tetons? i got that barn as well. so fun to see we enjoyed many of the same views while visiting the Tetons. have a great weekend. ( :

  12. Beautiful park and beautiful photos!
    Greetings from Holland, RW & SK

  13. hi Linda. Sorry to hear about Bill. This breath taking scenery. What a wonderful place. have a great weekend.

  14. I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your cousin Bill, Linda. I know there will be an empty spot left because of his accident. I went back and read about him since I'm fairly new here. I know he was special to you.

    The pictures of the Grand Tetons are absolutely breathtaking! Those clouds and the blueness of the sky are amazing! Thank you so much for sharing.

  15. Oh Linda, I'm so very sorry for your great loss. Your family has had more than its share of sadness through accidents.

    Your photos, as always, are beautiful. Such impressive scenery where you were.

  16. Linda, I am so, so sorry for your loss! My prayers are with you and your family.

    Your photos here are just gorgeous, beautiful scenery. I love the expanse of that lake photo especially!

  17. Saying good-bye is never easy and I'm sure much harder when it comes so suddenly My sympathies.The Tetons are magnificent.

  18. What a lovely place. My condolences on your loss.

  19. Lamento conocer el blog en un dia triste para ti por Bill ....Las Fotos son maravillosas ...te envio un abrazo desde las Islas Canarias aqui te dejo para que las conozcas

  20. Hi Linda! Please accept my condolences on the passing of your precious Bill. Isn't it strange that he would have problems so close to home, after covering the US on his motorcycle.
    That lake is so beautiful. And you got a photo with one lone boater. So peaceful! I also like the pictures that include earth, sky and mountain. So inspiring.
    Blessings my friend,
