
Saturday, September 28, 2013


On September 12, Doug and I visited the Leila Aboretum near Battle Creek, Michigan. It was rather late in the season, but there were still lots of beautiful flowers. Today's post will feature some of the flowers of an orange color.

I'm totally inept when it comes to identifying plants, so I won't even try. I can enjoy the beauty without knowing the ID. I hope you can, too.

I hope you've enjoyed these. I'll have more photos from the Leila Arboretum in future posts.


  1. I'm not a flowerologist either! lol. Loved these though, and all the oranges.

  2. i really enjoy the butterfly flower shot. just a perfect moment. have a nice weekend. ( :

  3. oh, they are pretty! i do better on wildflowers than domestic varieties - only because i look them up on the web. :)

  4. Beautiful are your orange photos!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  5. Like you I'm not able to identify many flowers but you post is a symphony in orange.

  6. Those flowers remind me of our zinnias at the arboretum. There are different varieties, apparently. The one above the butterfly looks like a marigold of some type. I love the orange flowers in this post - getting us all ready for Autumn! My favorite season.

  7. Such beautiful flowers. I love orange blooms, especially this time of year.

  8. Hi Linda! I love those flowers, and I don't care what you call them! I just got back from a walk through the local Arboretum with my friend, and there weren't any flowers like this. Just beautiful!

    Thanks for sharing with all of us today :)

  9. No need to identify these flowers,they are just as beautiful without a name.

  10. Those are lovely flowers--my favorite color! And such a variety of petals.

  11. Hi Linda, have I enjoyed these? Absolutely!!! I love the light and colours here. I look forward to seeing many, many more of your photos....and thank you so much for sharing these!

  12. I am totally loving all the orange this is so vibrant. All your photo's make go back for a longer them. :)

  13. I think you identified them perfectly with "orange." Lovely floral images.

  14. Your images are so vibrant, I can almost smell the flowers! The only ones I recognize, though, are the marigolds and that's only because we have grown them for so many years.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying "hello." It's always nice to meet up with a fellow Hoosier in the blogosphere. :-)

