
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Country Cove Store

When we visit Doug's brother, we usually go out to a restaurant for supper. Then it's our custom to go for a drive in the country together. On one of those drives, we discovered the Country Cove Store, not far from Coldwater, Michigan, at the North Chain of Lakes.

What captured our attention was the sign advertising "Hand-Dipped Ice Cream."

I love the old-fashioned feel of the store on the inside.

Outside the Country Cove Store, on a fence at the edge of their parking lot, is a sign advertising "Two Fellers Tree Service." I had seen the sign on a previous visit and wanted a picture, but it was raining and I didn't want to get my camera (or my hair) wet.

So, on this beautiful evening in August, I got my photograph. The two chairs next to the sign were an added bonus.

The lady inside the store told me that she and her husband had placed the chairs there, hoping that someone would want them and haul them away. She said, however, that there had been lots of people stopping to take pictures of those two chairs next to the sign. I guess I wasn't the only one who thought it made an interesting photo.


  1. How was the ice cream?? Love the sign.

    1. Montanagirl - The ice cream is great at this little store. The last time we were there, the two chairs were gone. Someone must have taken them.

  2. Nice photo from inside the store and the two chairs!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  3. HI Linda well it was as well you got the photo with the chairs as you say they are gone now.

  4. I love old country stores, too, but they're a rare find these days. Love the sign. Hope the store and the fellers get lots of business.

  5. The sign with the two chairs is great! Good example of the Rule of Thirds. I had to laugh at the double entendre of the company name. Very clever!

  6. i love their clever business name!!! and she's right - the 2 empty chairs just make it an awesome photo op!

    i'd love that cute little store and the friendly folks that run it.

  7. I imagine that once there were countless charming little stores like this one. For everything gained something is lost. Take care.

  8. Linda, what a lovely little store! I really miss the good old fashioned customer service and warm atmospheres of the old stores. Great post!

  9. That ice-cream sounds very tasty. I do like the sign. In my town we have agree service called,'One,Two,Tree'.

  10. I think the chairs are too heavy to be hauled away. Maybe if they put up a sign "take away for free"
    Like that old style store.

  11. You were about an hour or so from where I live....I love these kind of stores too. Has America written all over it. :)

  12. Well you know how I love plays on words so that sign was wonderful. You've got me craving ice cream now.
