
Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Oh My Broken Key!

Is it a sign of how many typing errors I make when my backspace key pops off? I never knew how often I used that little bugger until it was gone. Oh, I can still back space, but I have to hit that little dark spot in the center of where the key used to be. That's tricky when I'm used to a larger target.


  1. I hate it when these things break.

    That is a Twin Crested Cormorant in my blog, a favorite.They have moved into the area since the late 80's.

  2. Oh no! That's something I have not seen before. Can it be repaired? I'd probably just buy a new one, unless this is a laptop.

  3. I'm fortunate that my backspace key hasn't broken, considering the mistakes I make.

  4. If my back space broke I'd be off to buy a new keyboard. I make a LOT of mistakes.

  5. Steve - You don't know how much you need that key until it's gone. Thanks for the ID on the cormorant. Beautiful bird.

    Gail, I'm hoping the key can be repaired. If all else fails, I might just try superglue. :) Oh, and it IS a laptop, by the way.

    George - Count your blessings!

    Theresa - I'm glad it gave you a chuckle.

    Stephen - Unfortunately, this key is on a laptop. But I think it can be repaired.

  6. Oh no.. lol. I know exactly how often I hit that key. About 30 times in the typing of this comment alone. I feel for you. Can it not just be popped back in? Or glued on for now?

    1. Oh, Hilary...remember those days when a typo meant having to erase five carbon copies? I'm hoping someone smarter than I am will be able to pop the key back on. Glue is a last resort.

  7. Hopefully someone will be able to help you fix it. Do you still have the key, only popped out?

    1. Petra - I did still have the key. I took it to a computer shop today, and they were able to pop the key back on. They didn't even charge me anything. It's like having an old friend back. :)
