
Thursday, May 02, 2013

Diving Ducks at the Reservoir

It's been awhile since I've posted anything from my walks at the reservoir. The reason is that it's been awhile since I've walked at the reservoir. I was having knee problems last year and so never even purchased a pass there. This year, though, my knee is much better, and I've gone for a couple of walks this week. Spring is a fun time to go because there are usually interesting things to photograph. This spring is no exception.

I took my Canon SX20 on my first walk, but I was disappointed in the photos I captured. So I took our camcorder on my second walk. Today's images are from the camcorder. They're not all that sharp, but they were the best I was able to get. I'm not good on identification, but I believe these first two images are of Horned Grebes.

These next images are of some variety of Mergansers.

These are not in shallow water; they like to sometimes propel themselves above the surface.

This looks like some photos I found online of a male Red-Breasted Merganser.

And, to wrap up today's post, a couple of very short videos of these birds:


  1. I'm glad to hear that your knee is letting you get about more this Spring. You got some good pictures from the videos. You prove that "Where there's a will, there's a way".

  2. enjoyed the photos AND the videos. both diving their escapes. :) nice to hear your voice, too!

  3. So happy that you can go on your walks now. It's good for the soul! I believe your ID on the grebe is correct. Very pretty duck. Amazing the stills you can get from your camcorder. I will have to come back later and look at the video since my iPad will not display blogger videos for some reason. :/ Hope you have a wonderful day. :)

  4. It's terrible when a physical issue keeps you from doing the things you love. I'm glad you're back with camera in hand. Great pictures.

  5. What a nice walk you had, Linda... So glad your knee is better so that you can walk this year. Thanks for sharing your ducks at the reservoir.....


  6. Just came back to say the videos are awesome! Pretty cool when they all dive down together in the second clip. Enjoyed hearing you, too! :)

  7. Being able to do what you like after healing from an injury is a gift. The mergansers are a cute bunch. We had one on our pond a week or so ago... possibly a different kind. Just adorable. Fun that you can get still from your videos and that you got the ducks to perform such tricks for you.

  8. Good stuff, Linda. Mergansers, with those tufted heads, put me in mind of Dennis The Menace. They look like mischievous scamps who just got away with something.

  9. George - The knee is better, thanks to glucosamine; but I'm not sure it could handle steep terrain. Yes, the camcorder does a fair job when I need more zoom than I can get out of the camera.

    Theresa - I'm glad you enjoyed the videos. Those birds are so quick when they dive. They're there and then they're gone, and you never know where they'll pop up again.

    Gail - Thanks for the confirmation on the grebe identification. I'm glad you enjoyed the "synchronized diving" video.

    Thanks, Stephen. The knee did keep me out of commission for awhile last year, and I really missed going to the reservoir. It's a great place to walk.

    Betsy - Thanks, always, for the encouragement. All the diving ducks at the reservoir are a treat to see.

    Hilary - I remember that you had a nasty injury yourself a year or two ago. Hope you're fully recovered by now. I'm glad you appreciate the training it took to get those ducks to dive on cue like that. It's a gift, you know.

    Thanks, Frank. The mergansers do look mischievous. They're so fun to watch.

  10. Spring brings so many different water birds. I like these pictures and the videos.

    1. Thank you, Ruth. I hope these birds will stay for the summer, but I suspect they're just passing through.

  11. Ola ,que linda a série de fotos dos patinhos.As fotos do galo também estão muito boas e o esquilo então,está precioso.Meu grande abraço.SU

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Suzane. I'm glad you enjoyed these posts.

  12. The Mergansers are pretty birds, their tufted heads look funny. I've never seen them here.

    Great to hear your knee is better!

    1. Petra - Somehow, those Mergansers wear their funny-looking tufted heads regally. They ARE pretty, aren't they?
