
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Trains, Falls, Flowers, and Frogs

On August 16, the second full day of our visit to Cuyahoga Valley National Park, we returned to Brandywine Falls to take the loop trail around the falls. The main reason we wanted to do that was that the park map had a picture of the falls that had been taken from the side opposite the overlook we had visited when we arrived on the night of August 14. So we thought the loop trail would give us alternate views of the falls. Not! The loop trail doesn't even go in sight of the falls, except for when it goes over the top; and there's no view from there. It was a long, hard, hot 45-minute walk, with no reward except bragging rights. 

Next, we visited Brecksville Station and were there when the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad train came through. We didn't ride on this train, but it's very affordable and offers a unique way to experience the national park.

Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad

When we had consulted the ranger the previous day, we had asked about Bridal Veil Falls. He said that he had been there recently and that there was no water going over the falls, so he didn't recommend that we waste our time going there. But we decided we wanted to see it anyway. The ranger was definitely right about the lack of water, but it was a very pretty area. And we could use our imaginations to create a very lovely waterfall in our minds.

This is a small waterfall (when there's water) just above the main Bridal Veil Falls.

This is the main Bridal Veil Falls, with just a bit of water going over it.

The ranger did, however, encourage us to go see Great Falls. We had a little trouble finding it, but a very sweet local lady, who we met in a smaller local park where she was walking her dog, got into her car and led us there. It was located in Viaduct Park, near the town of Bedford, Ohio.

Great Falls of Tinkers Creek

That evening, we went to Beaver Marsh, in hopes of seeing some beaver and other wildlife. I'll save most of the photos I took there for another post, but here are a few.

Bee on Yellow Flowers
Yellow Flower

Frog in Marsh

Different Frog on a Lily Pad


  1. Hi Linda, Glad you saw the Bridal Veil area --even if it didn't have much water... I just loved that area...

    We want to go back sometime and see Great Falls.. I'd also love to ride the train --since I LOVE trains...

    Thanks for sharing your great adventure.

  2. It's great to see pictures of frogs. I'd heard they were in danger because of climate change but your frogs look happy enough.

  3. Sorry the loop around the falls was such a disappointment. I hate when that happens. You saw some pretty scenery at Great Falls and Beaver Marsh. Love the frog pics!

  4. THe scenery is beautiful even without the water. GUess this is reason enough to go back for another visit,right?

  5. just love that yellow flower against the black background. i think frogs (and toads) are adorable! :) so cute! the falls are pretty - and the stream with the rocks, too. sounds like you met some really nice folks along the way.

  6. Linda, it was pity that there wasn't enough water in the falls, you might have experienced quite different views. I'm looking forward to your other photos from Beaver Marsh, the yellow flower with the black background looks great and the frogs are very cute.

    As you've described your disappointing decision to follow the loop trail based on a picture you'd seen, I've had a similar experience lately. In an information booklet featuring the Three crosses area I wrote about in my last post we saw a wonderful picture of the crosses against the country around, we loved that. When we came there, we could see nothing like that... Although the place itself was interesting, we were a bit disappointed.

  7. You've certainly taken some lovely photos here. The area is beautiful.. waterfall or not. That frog looks pretty happy with things as they are.
