
Friday, August 24, 2012

An Evening at Beaver Marsh

As I mentioned in my last post, we visited Beaver Marsh at Cuyahoga Valley National Park on the evening of August 16. Following are some more photos from that night.

Great Blue Heron doing what herons do

Same bird, having retired to a tree to take care of some grooming needs

Grooming complete, Mr. Heron poses in his tree.

Sunset at Beaver Marsh

Unfortunately, the shy beavers didn't come out until after sunset, which made it difficult to get a decent photograph. Here are my best efforts:



A last look at the sunset

As darkness began to fall and we were walking back to our vehicle, Doug spotted a hummingbird darting among some flowers along the boardwalk. This isn't the best hummingbird photo ever taken, but it's the best I've ever taken...because it's the first I've ever taken. So humor me, all right?


  1. Oh how neat.... Love the sunset photo... Love seeing the beaver---and the Heron is beautiful.... Looks like you all had a great time there.

  2. I live in Beaverton, Oregon, but I've never seen a beaver. Your pictures are wonderful.

  3. first, the green in the first photo is gorgeous! then, the light in the 2nd is dreamy! and if that's your first hummingbird photo, you are to be commended! (you should have seen my first - few hundred. :))

    cool beavers and sunsets, too!

  4. The way the GBH is posing on that branch is awesome!! I'd be thrilled to death with these pics. The hummer is very good, too! I wonder what kind he is? Looks different from our ruby-throats. Your sunset photo is great! You really had an amazing photography day. :)

  5. What beautiful shots. I love the herons and try to get close, especially in my kayak.I went to Padre Island a few years back and stood within 25 feet while they were out in the surf.

  6. Oh my! These are fantastic. I would have loved being there,everything is so pretty.

  7. No need to humour you.. it's a fine shot. I love the heron images. I've rarely seen them atop a tree and I always get a kick out of that. The beaver images are wonderful and the hummingbird.. so sweet. You should be proud of these, my friend.

  8. The heron in the lush green looks beautiful, Linda, and I love the dark Sunset at Beaver Marsh. I'm glad I didn't miss out on this post.
