
Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Florida Sunset

Since we couldn't have the carpet reinstalled in the no-longer-sunken living room until the cement fully dried, and since we didn't particularly enjoy living in the mess, Doug and I decided to make a short visit to Florida.

The main purpose of the trip was to visit some friends who were spending a couple of months in the RV Park at Word of Life Conference Center in Hudson, Florida. But the conference didn't take up all our time, leaving us some opportunities to explore the area.

Beautiful beaches aren't as common as you might think, at least not in this particular part of Florida; but one day we found a spectacular one at the Fred Howard County Park. We spent the afternoon there and were rewarded with a lovely sunset that evening.


  1. Oh,these are gorgeous. There is just something about sunsets that is so spectacular.

  2. Wow---that was great, Linda. A trip to FL would be so much fun this time of year....

    Great sunset pictures... WOW!!!!

  3. I wish I could crawl into these pictures. Really beautiful.

  4. Ruth, thank you kindly. Sunrises and sunsets are just one evidence of the glory of our God, aren't they?

    Betsy, it really was a treat to experience some 80-degree temperatures, sunshine, palm trees, and white sand beaches in February. It's something we've never done before.

    Stephen, thank you for the kind words.

  5. The pictures are beautiful, Linda.
    Thanks for sharing!!!

  6. Gorgeous pics, miss a lot of travel, but still get in lots

  7. Cheryl, thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed them.

    Bossy, thanks so much.

    Steve, thanks. I think you get in your fair share of traveling. :)

  8. What a nice trip! These pictures are SO beautiful. The second one of the birds flying is just like a post card!

  9. What a beautiful sky. Now I must read back further to see what I missed about your renovations. Beautiful images, Linda.

  10. Elizabeth, thanks. I like that one, too. :)

    Hilary, thanks. It's so kind of you to take the time to read and comment on all the blogs you read and comment on, even going to far as to catch up after an absence. I'm impressed. :)

  11. Thanks for sharing your BEAUTIFUL pictures of God's creation!

  12. Diane - How could I NOT share something as beautiful as this sunset was? I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  13. I nearly missed these photo's ... they are truly beautiful :o)

  14. Thanks, Deborah. It was even better seeing that sunset in person. :)
