
Thursday, February 02, 2012

Dinner on the Bridge

Covered bridges are a relatively rare sight these days and are an object of interest and curiosity for many, including me. There is one located in a small town not far from where we live. Built in 1873, it's still in use by modern vehicles as well as by Amish horse-drawn carriages, although a "bypass" is now available for those who prefer to avoid the old structure.

A few years ago, some friends invited us to attend a "Dinner on the Bridge" evening with them. It was apparently an annual event, although not one with which we were familiar.

The October event was a catered affair, with delicious food and live music.

But it was COLD.

The temperature was in the forties that evening, and the wind was blustery. Tarps had been hung over the ends of the bridge and over the windows along the sides, to block the wind, but it was still mighty cold. We had all dressed warmly, though, so the situation was tolerable. It WAS a bit hard to eat with our gloves on, but that wasn't enough to stop folks like us who really enjoy food (and who had paid for it in advance).

It was a fun evening, in spite of the weather, with good friends and good food and an event made more memorable by the challenges. But we never did it again.


  1. Oh how neat, Linda... That would be such a great thing to do. Why don't (didn't) they do it in spring or summer????? I'd love to do that though.

  2. What a wonderful idea. We have a few covered bridges here in Oregon and maybe someone will get the idea to do this.

  3. Betsy - Mid-October can be a lovely time of year in our area. But it wasn't so lovely that year. :)

    Stephen - I understand that there are about 90 covered bridges in our state, but I don't know of any others close to my home. There just happens to be a baking and catering business located in the same vicinity as this bridge, and they were the ones who hosted the bridge event.

    Ruth - It was...once. :)

  4. I have lived close to a few in Madison County.Clint Eastwood made a film there.

  5. What a wonderful thing to do ... even if you did have to eat with gloves on! :o)

  6. Steve - I've heard of the Madison County bridges, of course. I've also heard of the Clint Eastwood movie, but I haven't seen it.

    Deborah - It was one of those experiences that was fun when it happened and even more fun in the telling.

  7. That is so neat! I've never heard of anything like that. Maybe it'll be warmer this October and you can attend again. :) Very pretty bridge.

  8. Elizabeth - I'm not sure if that Dinner on the Bridge event is still being held annually, but it might be worth looking into...just in case we have a warmer October. :)

  9. Fun...something everyone ought to experience at least once. You are the only person I know who can say they had dinner on a bridge. I needed an idea to knock out that sky diving experince from my bucket list - thanks! You just might have saved my life. Now that is the power of bridge dinning.

  10. GQ - The dinner on the bridge was fun, but it couldn't possibly compare with skydiving. I think you'd better reconsider that. :)

  11. Oh what a fun idea.. though I'd prefer it in summer, I'm sure. We have a lovely covered bridge not too far from home (within the hour, anyway) in a beautiful setting. I can just imagine your evening.. shivers and all.

  12. Hilary, you should see if you can find a caterer in the vicinity of your covered bridge and see if you can get something like this started. :)

    Truly, our mid-Octobers aren't normally so cold. That was just a bad year, I guess.
