
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tom and Buckshot

The reservoir, where I enjoy walking in the summer, actually opened on April 15. But our weather hasn't been exactly wonderful for walking very often since that date. I've made it over there twice, I think. Anyway, last week, I was on my way to the reservoir for a walk, when this tom turkey came strutting out into the road as if to frighten my vehicle away.

I had to shoot through the car's windshield because this dude was threatening.

There were two or three ducks there, and Mr. Turkey was apparently staking his claim.

At the reservoir, I was pleased to see that the three disabled geese had survived the winter. (I think someone feeds them during the winter months, and there's an area of water around the reservoir's pump system that stays unfrozen all winter.)

One of these three geese has been a resident for a couple of years now. It was joined by two others last spring. They have all suffered gunshot wounds and can no longer fly, but each managed to make it into the sanctuary of the reservoir where they seem to be managing quite well. I'm sorry that two more were injured, but I'm glad the original one, who has been nicknamed "Buckshot," now has company.

The only other birds I was able to photograph were these American coots, which were a little too far out in the water for a really good shot.

On a previous visit, I had seen a loon, but it was too far from shore to get a decent photograph. Maybe I'll have better luck on a future visit.


  1. What a great place for a walk and photography! Is it a place specifically for injured animals? Those poor geese, I can't believe they survived gunshots!

  2. I would think that tom to be just a lover, chasing ducks is a new one.I have seen a few puff up like that out in the fieldsbut never close enough to get a good photo.It is nice you finally are getting a chance to get out.

  3. Elizabeth - It's a three-mile walk around the reservoir, and I almost always find something photo-worthy as I walk. It really makes a nice place to walk. It's not really meant to be a place for injured animals, but these three geese have found sanctuary there.

    Steve - I believe this turkey was a domestic tom. Not sure why he fixated on the ducks. Maybe they were the closest he could come to a partner for himself. :)

  4. Beautiful Tom Turkey.They really look impressive when strutting like that.

  5. Ruth - I don't think I'd ever seen one quite that puffed up. He was intimidating. :)

  6. Hi Linda, What a neat place to walk... I'd love seeing all of that wildlife. That Turkey was really staking his claim.. What a beauty...

    Sorry to hear about the disabled geese. How can someone do that? Gads!

    Neat coots...

    Thanks for sharing.

  7. Betsy - The turkey was along the road on the way to the reservoir. I think he was a domestic, owned by some folks who let their poultry roam loose. The geese...we can only guess...but there are Amish farms surrounding the reservoir. We kind of think that maybe the geese were shot by neighboring Amish and managed to fly over the fence to the reservoir before falling to the ground. But that's just a guess. We may never know for sure.

  8. Bossy Betty - No animals were harmed in the shooting of these photographs. :)

  9. Oh my, what a beautiful place to live so near to, and a perfect spot to bring the camera along - that turkey is amazing, but I think you were wise to stay behind the windscreen! Those poor geese, I am glad they have found a safe sanctuary to survive in.

  10. Great photos, as a scary old turkey! I'd have shot through the window, too!

  11. I love to see all the wildlife on my walks too, but I've never come across a turkey before...he's just amazing! :o)

  12. Hi, Shrinky. The reservoir is a great place to walk, without worrying about traffic or crazy dogs, and provides numerous photo opportunities. Thanks for your visit.

    Thanks, Deb. I was in the car, but I was still intimidated by that turkey!

    Deborah - Our wildlife in this area is somewhat limited, but I appreciate whatever I can find.
