
Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Disclaimer

You know how a radio station will sometimes carry a disclaimer regarding a view expressed by a program which airs on that station? It usually goes something like this: "The views expressed by the following program are not necessarily the views of this radio station."

Well, the disclaimer I want to make is: "The views expressed by the President of the United States are not necessarily the views of the American people."

This disclaimer is long overdue, since it can be applied to numerous things that our current President has done and said during his time in office; but I can no longer leave it unexpressed in light of the stance he has expressed today regarding Israel.

Israel has always been a friend of the United States; but this President has treated the land of Israel, the people of Israel, and the leaders of Israel with total disrespect. And I believe he does so at the risk of incurring God's wrath on our own country.


  1. AMEN, Linda... We totally agree. Israel has been such a great ally... What is Obama thinking?????

  2. Betsy - Truthfully, I think he's deliberately trying to destroy this nation. And he's succeeding admirably. Thanks for the supportive comment. I'm not expecting too many of those. :)

  3. I have to find out what he did. I am not really into politics. I am sorry he disrespected Israel though.

  4. Linda, I agree with you about Israel. I remember my mom saying when I was little, "God help us if the U.S. ever makes Israel mad." That has always stuck with me. So many things in the world to worry about...God is in control!

  5. Have you seen the Bush bumper stickers, "Don't you miss me yet?"

  6. Life with Kaishon - Thanks for the visit and the comment. I appreciate it.

    Elizabeth - It's true that Israel is a country that I'd rather have on my side than against me, but the greater fear is making God mad. If Israel is the "apple of His eye," we've just poked our finger in God's eye.

    Steve - I have seen those bumper stickers. Bush was far from perfect, but he's looking pretty good now. :)

  7. Amen! I totally agree with you about our presidents anti Israel speech. Although it did not surprise me.

  8. RonJoeWhite - Sad to say, it didn't surprise me, either. Thanks for the kind comment.

  9. No surprise to me either. But as easy as it is to believe that he is doing all this on purpose, when I heard that he signed a guestbook yesterday in England and dated it May 24, 2008, it makes me wonder if he isn't just confused and inept (and easily manipulated by people around him) rather than intentionally evil.

  10. Sandra - I guess we'll have to let God judge his motives, whether he sets out to do these things intentionally or whether, as you suggest, he's just inept. Either way, though, our it was in danger.
