
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Super Moon

We've all been hearing about the Super Full Moon scheduled to make an appearance tonight. I'm sure I wasn't the only one watching eagerly for it to make its appearance. When it did rise, it was indeed beautiful; but I honestly didn't see the illusion of a larger size. Of course, that didn't stop me from photographing it.

It was a lovely orange color early in its ascent.

Just a few minutes later, the orange color was already fading.

Later still, it's glowing brightly without a trace of orange. I realize that this is not a good picture of the moon; I just liked the "halo" around it.

This one's a little better while still showing the "halo."

I zoomed way in for this one, so no "halo" but clearer detail.

I love any excuse to tackle moon shots. I haven't mastered them yet, but maybe by the next Super Moon, in 18 years or so...



  1. Wasn't it fabulous???? I took a chair and sat on the golf course fairway waiting for it to appear... MARVELOUS.

  2. Betsy - I'll bet it was even more beautiful from the fairway. I had to deal with buildings and power lines while trying to get my photos. I'll be watching for your images. :)

  3. Lovely images.I am new here and so I look forward to more of your pictures.

  4. I love the orange tint with the branches in front. Interesting how it changed slightly over time. Very pretty.

  5. SO wonderful! Loved these pictures.

  6. You got some beauties there Linda. I had a lot of obstruction early on, so I never managed any clear shots of it when it was so huge on the horizon. Your first image is wonderful.. foreground of branches/twigs and full detail in the moon. Great shots!

  7. Welcome, Ruth. It's a pleasure to "meet" you. And thanks so much for the encouraging comment.

    Thank you, Elizabeth. The orange color is always an eye-catcher, but it never lasts long.

    Thanks so much, BB. I'm glad you enjoyed them.

    Thanks, Hilary. I had been watching for the moonrise, wanting to catch it a little closer to the horizon. But I was watching for it in the wrong place. It sneaked up behind a neighbor's house and was already pretty high before I got my first shot. Thankfully, though, it was still orange when it came into view.

  8. I'm laughing because it did the exact same thing to me last night. I expected it to be more in the east and it appeared southward.. though I wouldn't have been able to see it due to said obstructions. She was a tricky orb, that moon. I'm glad I wasn't the only one taken in.. I was in good company. ;)

  9. Hilary - Thanks for helping me to feel not quite so stupid! :)

  10. I think these are great! I really worked to get something good, but never saw the orange color and didn't get anything with nearly the definition you did. Good job! Maybe I'll have better luck in 18 years (from the window of the nursing home!) :)

  11. Thanks, Sandy. It took a pretty powerful zoom to get the detail. It was fun experimenting with it. I wonder if we'll have adjoining rooms in 18 years. :)
