
Wednesday, March 16, 2011


My friend, Hilary, posted a "mystery image" on her blog, which went up shortly after midnight last night (or should that be "this morning"?) She challenged her readers to guess what the image is. After staring at the image until my eyes crossed, I sent her an e-mail, which led to a humorous exchange. Those of you who read Hilary's blog are already well aware of her quick wit and way with words. The following is just a small example:

Linda wrote at 12:44 a.m.:

Well, you’ve got me stumped with that confusing image. My first thought was that it might be the cribbage board that you and CA used last weekend. Now, I’ve never even seen a cribbage game, so I didn’t know what it looked like. I just spent several minutes searching through images of cribbage boards to see if I could spot anything that looked like your image. I didn’t, but I thought you’d get a kick out of this image that I did find: 


(I wasn't sure if I had the right to include the image on this blog, so I'll just tell you that it was a cribbage board in the shape of a toilet seat.)
Hilary responded at 12:57 a.m.:

Ha.. now that looks more like it should be for poker.. it's a royal flush. ;)

Linda wrote at 12:57 a.m.:

You did it again! I’m sitting here laughing. I’m going to bed now. :)

Hilary responded at 1:03 a.m.:

Me too. The potty's over. It's time to call it a day... ;)

G'nite, Linda. :)

Linda gets the last word at 1:04 a.m.:

I hope your driver’s license allows the donation of your mind to science.

Good night. :)

One of the joys of blogging has been getting to "virtually" meet so many interesting people. And Hilary certainly falls into that category.


  1. Neat, Linda. We all have met so many wonderful people through blogging. I have new friends which I feel as if have been friends all of my life....


  2. Oh aren't you so sweet! Who'd a thunk that my late night emails would make it into a blog post? Thanks for the sweet words, my friend. You are truly among those who make blogging a joy.

  3. BB - She's a gem, isn't she?

    Betsy - I know what you mean. That's the best part about this blogging gig.

    Hilary - There's nothing sweet about it. I have found myself chuckling over our exchange all day. Just couldn't keep it to myself. :)

  4. Funny. Her blog is a must-read. Yours as well. :)

  5. Oh, I love Hilary, too! And I don't know how she keeps up with all the blogs she reads, and then has the daunting task of choosing the best for POTW!

    Great e-convo, and I totally agree: my blogging friends are the best!

  6. Elizabeth - I agree with you about Hilary's blog. It's kind of you to include mine on your must-read list. Thanks for your always-encouraging comments.

    ethelmaepotter! - I know what you mean. Hilary must read hundreds of blogs and always manages to think of nice things to say in the comments. As for her daunting task of choosing the best for POTW, your creative writing helps make it easy for her to choose at least one. :)

  7. What can I say? She's the greatest! Loved this exchange. You do a pretty good job of "clever" yourself. :)

  8. Sandra - I'd never have met Hilary if it hadn't been for you. I'd been a fan of hers for some time before I started blogging, having found her through your blog. But I'm so glad to be getting to know her better. She's a master when it comes to puns. :)
