
Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Hunkering Down During the Storm

Well, last night's snow amounted to only two and a half or three inches. Then it was quiet all day today, except for a fairly strong wind. Still, since we had completed our preparations yesterday, we didn't venture out today. A neighbor (not the same neighbor who came to our rescue here) came down with his tractor and scraped our driveway during the lull.

Then, about mid-afternoon, the snow started again. It's expected to snow all night tonight and all day tomorrow. The projected accumulation is four to eight inches of a combination of snow and sleet. That, in itself, wouldn't be disastrous; but it's being combined with very strong winds and very low temperatures. Consequently, we have been officially upgraded from a Winter Storm Warning to a Blizzard Warning.

So there's just nothing for it but to hunker down and make the best of it. And here's how I'm hunkering:

First, I made a crock pot full of Stuffed Green Pepper Soup. It may not look like much, but we love it. And, if we lose power, we can reheat it on a small kerosene stove that we keep for emergencies.
Next, I baked a batch of Pillsbury White Chocolate-Macadamia Nut cookies. Comfort food. Necessary in winter snow emergencies.

And then I popped a popper full of popcorn. Popcorn is an essential food in any emergency.

But best of all is the quality time I can spend with the Count of Monte Cristo. I'm nearing the end of the book and already dreading having to bid the characters farewell until the next reading.

This storm is affecting multitudes of folks in numerous states, as well as some of our Canadian neighbors. I hope everyone is safe and able to hunker down with the comforts of good food, good company, and good books.


  1. Sounds like the perfect way to ride out the storm, Linda... Hope you just get snow and not all of that horrible ice...

    That green pepper soup sounds wonderful... I've never had it --but I love bell peppers... AND Macadamia Nut Cookies are one of my fav's (besides peanut butter of course).... YUM..

    Take care and stay SAFE.

  2. Well somebody at your place was a boy scout! ;) Sounds yummy. Round one of our storm was nothing much but we're expecting round two to start during the next few hours and that's supposed to be a biggie. We'll see. Keep warm, Linda. :)

  3. Sounds like you are enjoying being snowed in. Nothing like warming up the house and filling it with good smells with cooking when your snowed in. We got about 8 inches yesterday and now it's super cold and very windy too but then again this is normal for us. I feel bad for those that are not used to this kind of weather. Stay warm. Enjoy your time staying hunkered down!

  4. Betsy - We ARE getting a little of the sleet and freezing rain; but, so far, it doesn't seem too bad. The wind is the biggest problem at the moment.

    The Stuffed Green Pepper Soup is my attempt to copy a soup that is served at a local restaurant. I would be happy to share the recipe with you if you're interested. As for the macadamia nut cookies, they're just baked from the Pillsbury refrigerated dough. And they're delicious.

    Hilary - Boy Scouts here. Just two people who don't like to miss a meal. Or a snack. :)

    It's pretty nasty out there right now; but, so far, it's nice and cozy in the house. That will change if we lose power, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Hope you're faring as well as we are or even better.

    Lori - I do enjoy being snowed in, although my enjoyment is tempered with the knowledge that the snow causes suffering to some. This blizzard type of weather is relatively uncommon for us. For you, it's a lifestyle. You should teach a course. :)

  5. Wow ... you can tell this isn't YOUR fire rodeo! You are reallllllly prepared. It was a little anti-climatic to get up this morning and find out it wasn't any worse, wasn't it? You'd better eat those cookies quick before your excuse goes away! :)

  6. Sandra - Well, it's definitely not my first rodeo; but, as I told Hilary, the chief motivation is that we don't like to miss meals. Did you get an e-mail from WW today, about staying on plan during the snowstorm? Or did they just send that to me? Hmmm. :)

  7. You are ready for the worst, we got a little over a foot. I haven't shoveled since last night.Drifts are up to the bottom of my truck window. on one side.That souplooks real good. I roast and peel my peppers from the garden , and like to stuff them full of cheese to make relenos.

  8. Steve - It seems the best way to avoid the worst is to prepare for it. It didn't get as bad as it could have, but we felt as if we were ready if it did. Anyway, the soup is good even without an emergency. :)

  9. The soup looks delicous and we certainly enjoy that on days like this. I made a pot myself, but sure would enjoy the recipe for the Stuffed Green Pepper Soup.

  10. Hi, KD. Hope you and your hubby are surviving this cold, snowy weather. The soup recipe is on its way to you.

  11. Ummm....Linda? time it snows, can I come stay at your house?

  12. Ethelmae - Ha! You made me laugh with that one. My friends will tell you that this post was somewhat deceptive. I'm not very domestically minded and don't enjoy cooking and cleaning. But, I don't like to miss meals, either. So, when there's a possibility I might not be able to get out to a restaurant for a few days, well...I take other measures.

  13. Thanks, Linda, for taking time to share the recipe. After looking it over, I can't wait to make it.
