
Monday, January 31, 2011

The Calm Before the Storm

The weather people are warning us of an impending storm of historic proportions. The storm is to start in the overnight hours tonight. The winter storm warning has been issued for a 48-hour period, taking us into Wednesday night. The experts are not able to be specific about how much of the precipitation will be in the form of snow and how much in the form of ice...the more ice, the less snow, you see. But strong winds and arctic temperatures are to accompany the storm. So things are looking grim for the next few days in our area.

However, this is the sight that greeted us this morning.

I made a trip to the grocery store early this morning (thus, the sunrise picture above). Then Doug and I went out later to run some other errands in preparation for a snow emergency. We think we're as prepared as we can be.

One of the advantages of being retired is that we don't even have to think about whether we're going to be able to make it to work when a "snow storm of historic proportions" strikes. If it weren't for the trouble that such a storm causes for others, as well as for wildlife, it could actually be enjoyable to just hunker down in our comfortable house and watch it blow itself out.

Wishing warmth and safety to all of you.


  1. What a beautiful sunrise photo, Linda.. just stunning. The winter landscape can be so amazing despite how barren everything is.

    We're supposed to get hit by that storm too. It's been pretty cold the past couple of days.. and throughout most of this month, but we've not had all that much snow so far.

    I hope that you and yours will keep safe and snug.

  2. Both of those photos are amazing, Linda. Honestly, I don't think there's anything prettier than a sunset or sunrise. Lots of other things are AS pretty, probably, but not prettier. My opinion, of course :-)

    I know what you mean about the weather, though...we're right on the edge of the system. I think Minneapolis will get the brunt of it but today was snowing here and I just opted not to go out! Yep, being retired has some unique perks!

  3. I am told 12.1 inches on the news by Wednesday. We are under a blizzard watch, so I plan on making soup tonight to ward off the cold.I got 2 gallons of milk just in case it takes a few days.Saturday I was shooting in shirt sleeves, with two shirts on.

  4. Gorgeous Linda! It snowed here all it's suppose to get bitter cold..stay warm and safe! XX

  5. HI Diane, I hope the storm is not going to be nearly as bad as they say it will be... We will totally miss this one --but may get some rain and wind.

    Good Luck --and stay WARM and SAFE.

  6. Thank you, Hilary. I can't take much credit for that sunrise photo. All I did was snap it. God did the hard part. :) The snow has started here. So far, no ice. Hope you and Skitty have all you need to ride out the storm in relative comfort.

    Thanks so much for the kind words, Cheryl. I, too, think sunrises and sunsets are amazing, with their colors that Crayola never dreamed of.

    Steve - They're still being a bit vague on our projected snowfall. It appears now that we'll miss the ice, but that means more snow. At least, we're just under a winter storm warning, not a blizzard warning. Hope you and Lily are snug and warm.

    Thank you, Lori; and I wish you the same warmth and safety.

    Betsy - We can't complain too much. We've gotten off pretty easy so far this winter, while you've been getting all that snow in Tennessee!

  7. Ha! Linda I wrote my post this morning, and answered your comment. Then I just came here and saw this post you wrote yesterday that is so similar I had to laugh (although you trumped me with that beautiful sunrise). We been around each other wayyyyy too many years -- we're thinking alike. Is that a little scarey? Naaaaa. :)

  8. Sandra - We do often think along the same lines, but it's not too remarkable this time since the snow is all anyone is talking about. :) I'm making a pot of soup this morning and looking forward to a nap. :)

  9. LInda,
    I have been "seeing ' you in so many of my favourite places, sorry it took me so long to come here.
    I too, living near Toronto, am glad the storm wasn't as bad as they predicted. Your photos are beautiful.

  10. Deb - Thanks so much for the visit and the kind words.
