
Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

Here are a couple of sunrise images, taken about six years ago with my first digital camera, a little point-and-shoot model made by Hewlett Packard.

These have not been Photoshopped, for two reasons: (1) I don't know how to use Photoshop; and (2) How could I presume to improve on what God has already done so well?

May you have a blessed Sunday.

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth His handiwork. (Psalms 19:1)


  1. Absolutely gorgeous. And I love the reason they don't need to be photoshopped. I would agree wholeheartedly, except then I would have to go back and un-photoshop the ones of my own I have tweeked a little. Hopefully, when I do that God chuckles a little because he understands --he KNOWS what a control freak I am. :)

  2. Thanks, Sandy. I remember that, when I took these pictures, I was just in awe over the color of the sky that day. God DOES do a mighty fine job, doesn't he? Even without the little tweaking we "control freaks" sometimes feel compelled to do. :)

  3. Really nice - I can hardly believe you got those with a point and shoot camera. I agree, how can we imporve on what God has already done. Good job capturing one of His great masterpieces.

  4. Thank you, GQ. That little HP camera was a good one for its time. My current camera is still a point-and-shoot, but it's of a much higher quality. I kind of wish now that I'd bitten the money bullet and gotten a DSLR. Maybe next time. But don't let Doug know I said that. :)

  5. Absolutely gorgeous! You are right, God does a pretty fabulous job of providing us with beauty! Happy Sunday to you and yours. XX

  6. Thank you, Lori, and a blessed Lord's Day to you, too.

  7. I never photoshop anything, I like the challenge of getting that premium photo.Lovely shots.

  8. Steve - I commend you on striving for excellence without the assistance of Photoshop. But, if I ever learn it, I can't guarantee that I won't use it on occasion. :)

  9. Such stunning photos, Linda. The colours are startlingly beautiful.

  10. Thanks, Hilary. I can't take any credit for the colors. :)
