
Wednesday, October 13, 2010


A couple of years ago, Sandra (from Add Humor and Faith...Mix Well) and her Hubby attended a charity auction, where they purchased a week in a Gatlinburg, Tennessee condo, and they generously invited Doug and me to join them on vacation there.

During our stay in the area, the four of us went to the Dollywood Amusement Park. The weather was very hot, and I was wearing a visor to shield my eyes from the bright sunshine. At one point, we went into a restaurant in the park, and I took the visor off while we were eating. With no place to put it as we sat at the table, I just put it around my leg, above the knee.
My Knee Visor

The restaurant where we were eating was one where you order your food and pay for it at the counter, then take it to a table to eat. While we were eating, I was looking around for some napkins. I located some on a counter across the room from us and got up to go get napkins for all of us. I was aware of a tightness around my left knee but didn't think too much about it until later, when we were getting ready to leave, and I prepared to put my visor back on. Suddenly, I thought about the picture I must have made, walking across the busy restaurant with my visor on my knee.

Doug, Sandra, and her Hubby all had a good laugh over it and have never let me forget it.

Fast forward to this summer. I had gone to the reservoir to walk and had arrived at the same time as another walker and her dog, so we were walking together. I was carrying my visor this time, not wanting to put it on until I was walking toward the sun, because it begins to hurt my head if I wear it for the full three-mile walk.

As my new friend and I walked and talked together, I saw something that I wanted to take a picture of. So I quickly put my visor on my head to free my hands for handling the camera. After I took the picture, we continued our walk. After awhile, I noticed that the visor wasn't shielding my eyes as well as usual; and I reached up to tug it into a better position. That's when I realized that, in my haste to get my camera out, I had put the visor on upside down.
Visors don't work so well in this position.

We all have our little challenges. I have a friend who likes to say, "It gets worse."


  1. Now I KNOW you're truly a blogger -- you published a picture for a laugh, even if it does make you look just the tiniest bit silly. (Of course I don't think that -- I'm just saying what I'm sure YOU would say.) :)

  2. Sandra-You gave me the courage to post a silly-looking photo of myself when you posted that one of yourself after having those teeth pulled. :-)
