
Monday, October 11, 2010

Change...not my favorite thing

For the last year and a half, we've been attending a little church that isn't really a church, at least not in the legal sense. That is, the pastor doesn't receive a salary; and the church isn't officially licensed as a church with the state. It's actually more of a home Bible study that outgrew the home.

We meet in an old schoolhouse, which the members of the congregation have worked hard to fix up so that it is suitable for holding worship services and Bible studies and fellowship dinners. Any money that is donated goes toward paying rent and other expenses related to the building. Whatever is left over is given in support of Christian missionaries.

It's not a church with which everyone would be comfortable, but it works for us and for the others to whom it is a church home.

Unfortunately, our beloved pastor announced yesterday that he will be retiring from the ministry at the end of this year. It's highly unlikely that the church can continue without him. Who else would be willing to, not only lead Sunday services, but also to assume the spiritual responsibility for this little flock of believers, and all without compensation?

Yes, we could go through the process of formalizing our status as a church and hire a pastor; but doing so might mean that we would also have to move out of the old schoolhouse and find another place to worship. Some of us have been through the process of starting a new church, and it's not an easy thing to do or something that we really want to do again.

So it looks as if we'll be having to find a new church family with whom to worship. The search is never fun, but we are confident that the Lord is uprooting us for a reason and that He will lead us to a place He has prepared for us.


  1. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. But you were looking when you found that church, so hopefully you'll find another one you're comfortable with quickly.

  2. Thanks, Sandra. I know we'll find another church. We just hadn't planned on looking so soon.
