
Thursday, August 16, 2018

31 Years!

Yesterday was our anniversary. Thirty-one years! Yikes! Where does the time go?

This wasn't a major anniversary; and, after all, there had already been 30 of them. So we hadn't planned anything special. I had volunteered to work in the church office from 9 AM to 2 PM, covering for another volunteer who needed the day off. After that, we had just planned to enjoy a nap, have a quick supper, and go to church for our mid-week Bible study.

But then...good friends, Terry and Diane, contacted us the night before. They live about 50 miles south of us, but Terry had to come to Fort Wayne for a medical appointment Wednesday afternoon. They wondered if we could meet for a meal so they could celebrate our anniversary with us.

Suddenly, we had plans for celebrating the occasion.

Anniversary Flowers

When I came home from working at the church office, I found a bouquet of flowers on the kitchen table, accompanied by the photo book that I had made for Doug for our 20th anniversary. He has loved that book since I gave it to him on our trip to Alaska back in 2007, and bringing it out again on our 31st gave us both the opportunity to look back over those photos from our first 20 years together.  

The rest of the photos in this post were taken by Diane at the restaurant...well, except for the one of the four of us, which was taken by our waitress.

These final two pictures are of the outside of the restaurant. One wall of the building consists of windows, overlooking the water and the swans and ducks that call it home.

Many thanks to special friends, Terry and Diane, for making our 31st anniversary special.


  1. Belated Happy Anniversary wishes to you. Each year together is a blessing, and I am sure you are aware of that. I'm glad you did get to celebrate after all.

    1. Thank you, Ruth. Yes, I do know how blessed we are to have had 31 years together and that every additional day is an additional blessing. I don't take that for granted.

  2. Happy 31!!!! Glad to always share your happiness.

  3. Happy Anniversary! I hope the two of you have many more. It was nice that you could celebrate with your friends.

    1. Thank you, George. Terry and Diane and Doug and I have sort of fallen into a pattern of celebrating our anniversaries together. Celebrations are more special when shared with friends.

  4. Happy Anniversary to you both... You both look SO good...... Glad you have such close friends nearby to celebrate with... Have you ever gotten Terry and Diane to "your" Smokies???? My son who just moved from from Texas bought a little jeep --and is loving all of the hiking and back roads in the smokies. He hiked some on the App. Trail recently and went to Charlie's Bunion. He loved it WAY up there...


    1. Thank you, Betsy. We met Terry and Diane in 2009, when another couple invited the four of us to go with them to a conference at Word of Life in New York. They've become dear friends in the intervening years. And, yes, they have been to the Smokies with us and have even gone again on their own.

      Doug and I hiked to the Bunion...twice I think...but I believe those days are gone forever. :) Good for your son, though!

  5. A belated Happy 31st Anniversary to you and Doug, my sweet friend! How sweet that he had the photo book out with a vase of flowers for you when you got home from volunteering at the church office. :-) And what special friends to want to spend your anniversary with you!

    1. Thank you for the anniversary wishes, Dianna. They're never too late. Doug's not a flower kind of guy, so the flowers were definitely a surprise. And I was grateful for Terry and Diane wanting to celebrate with us.

  6. So many years together sounds special, Linda, you are such a beautiful pair. How nice you could celebrate it with your friends.

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Petra. It IS special to be able to look back on all those years together. They've been good years, years to be grateful for. And we're grateful for the friends the Lord has brought into our lives, too.
