
Tuesday, February 06, 2018

A Day Off

I got the flu shot. I doubled my Vitamin C. I washed my hands. I avoided crowds when I could. And I got the flu. I'm thanking the Lord that, although it came and it wasn't fun, it was short lived. All that's left now is to regain my strength. 

Nothing makes you appreciate good health like an episode of bad health.

I awoke this morning to brilliant sunshine on a blindingly beautiful new snowfall. I had gotten up early because Tuesday is my day to volunteer at the church office. I'd dressed, put on makeup, combed my hair, and eaten a very small breakfast. (Can't handle too much food yet.) 

I was just about to put on my boots and head out the door when I found a text message from my pastor, telling me to stay home today because of the snow and slippery roads. I texted him back, thanked him, and told him that I imagined that Doug would be glad I hadn't found his text earlier because Doug hasn't seen me with my hair combed and makeup on in days.

Doug had gone out to shovel the snow away from the garage door for me, so I went out to tell him I was staying home. A neighbor had just arrived with his small tractor and blade to clean our driveway of snow. Two Amish guys, on two separate Bobcats, were making the rounds of the neighborhood, clearing other driveways.

One of the Amish guys in his Bobcat

We're so blessed to live in a neighborhood where people look out for each other. May I never take that for granted.


It seems all I'm posting lately are pictures from our backyard. What can I say? I don't get out much.

Crabapple Tree

Our little crabapple tree gives us so much enjoyment. It blooms so beautifully in the spring. In the winter and early spring, it feeds birds and squirrels, who in turn entertain us with their antics. 

I had planned to take my camera with me when I went to work at the church today so that I could get an updated photo of the church building in the pretty snow. But I didn't want the photo bad enough to turn down Pastor's offer of a day off.


  1. I’m sorry to hear you got the flu, but am delighted you got over it quickly. The flu can be terrible, but we’ve managed to avoid it so far. Enjoy your day off!

    1. I'm glad you and Betsy have been flu-free so far and hope it stays that way!

  2. Oh, Linda, I'm sorry you ended up getting the flu. I have had friends who have had it and they have assurred me it is no fun! I'm sure you could attest to that. What beautiful snowy pictures you have shared with us today. I wish we had a crab apple tree of our own. I love seeing snow on the red berries. I'm also glad that you live in a neighborhood where being good neighbors has not gone out of style like it has in so many communities these days. The neighborhood I lived in growing up was like what you expeience today. xx

    1. Today has been a very good day in my recovery. I'm running out of excuses for not doing anything productive. ;) Crabapple trees can be messy, so you don't want them along a sidewalk or patio. But they are nice to have on the perimeter of your yard. And I love seeing all the birds and squirrels enjoying the fruit.

  3. I like that crabapple, I need to head over to the arboretum and shoot a few. At church Sunday the pastor just told everyone to say God Loves you instead of a handshake. Threw me clear off. LOL Hope you are fully mended

    1. Our pastor has urged caution, too. Some people do fist bumps. Many can be seen using hand sanitizer after the greeting time.

  4. Sorry to hear that you were sick, but glad to hear you are getting better.Those snowy scenes are beautiful.

  5. Sorry to hear you've been ill, Linda, but I can't tell you how many times I've heard someone say that they had gotten a flu shot, then got the flu. The same thing used to happen to Goodman when he got the shot so he stopped getting it several years ago and hasn't had the flu since. I never get the shot myself. In the immortal words of Sargeant Alvin York I'll just say, "I'm agin it."

    You must live near some very progressive Amish folks. I've never seen them drive Bobcats, but I'm glad they see the merit in them. We're no long spring chicks and really appreciate machinery doing the heavy work around here.
    Love the snowy photos of your yard.

    1. Toni, I suspect that the reason my illness wasn't any worse was due, at least in part, to my getting a flu shot. We may never know in this life, but I'll keep getting them. And you keep doing whatever you're doing. It seems to be working.

      The Amish in our area are very business oriented. In addition to farming, many of them own their own businesses. The families down the road from us, the ones who clean the snow from our driveways, own three huge chicken barns. Apparently the Bobcats were approved for use in that business. And they graciously offer their services to us English during snowstorms.

  6. Oh dear you got the flu after all your efforts to avoid it! Wow thats bad. Glad you got to stay home an extra day. That was so nice of the Amish guys to clear the snow.

    1. Yep, Kim, the flu found me. I enjoyed my day off very much. We do have good neighbors, both Amish and English. We're blessed.

  7. Glad you are on the other side of the has been a terrible flu this season this year. You are very fortunate to be in such a caring community and those that offer to help people.
    I know the snow is sometimes a big hassle, but it sure is pretty and pure.
    Take care and continue to get your strength back.

    1. Thanks, Mike & Gerri. I feel blessed to have had such a short version of the flu, knowing how many are suffering. I do love snow, especially now that I'm retired and don't have to go out if I don't want to. We're expecting more later this week.

  8. I absolutely agree, Linda,"nothing makes you appreciate good health like an episode of bad health." You made me smile with your reply to the pastor... :) I think it was good for you to stay home, it will certainly help you to recover sooner. That crabapple tree looks great with the red berries covered in snow!

    1. I'm happy to report that I seem to be fully recovered from my stomach flu. I felt back to normal today, except that I still seem to tire easily. Having Tuesday off really did help, I think. I probably wasn't quite ready for my volunteer duty at the church.
