
Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Pictures from the Park

We've found ourselves with limited no time for travels this summer, primarily due to doctor appointments. There's nothing major going on, just a full calendar. 

We've been able to work in a mini-vacation now and then, usually a day trip to Ouabache State Park about an hour away. These photos are all from that park.

Oops. Hope I'm not interrupting anything.

Male Eastern Bluebird

Tattered White Butterfly

Same Butterfly

Interesting Mushroom

Some of what's been going on with Doug and me revolves around cataract surgeries for both of us. Several appointments are required, both before and after the surgeries. My first surgery was done on July 19 (right eye) and the second on August 1 (left eye). 

I've always had terrible vision. I was so nearsighted that, without glasses, nothing would come into focus until it was just inches from my face. I've looked forward to cataract surgery for several years, ever since my optometrist told me that a lens implant had been developed that could correct much of my severe astigmatism. Of course, I opted for that lens when I had my surgery. And now, following surgery, I do see so much better...but not great. 

I'm pretty sure I'm going to need glasses, but they want me to hold off getting them for several weeks, to allow time for the eyes to fully heal and settle into their optimal visual capability. 

It's going to be a challenge for me because I don't currently see well enough to drive.

Doug's going to get his cataracts removed this month, but I'm hoping his experience will go more smoothly than my own. He actually has very good distance vision and mostly needs glasses to read. Hopefully, his post-surgery vision will be 20/20 without glasses so that at least one of us will be able to drive.

Here's a statement I recently saw on Facebook: "I really don't mind getting old...but my body isn't taking it very well."

That statement resonates with me. Getting old isn't for sissies.


  1. Your photos are absolutely gorgeous, Linda! Thank you so much for sharing. I will keep you and Doug in my prayers.

    1. Thanks, Linda. Prayers are always appreciated. I'm praying for an apartment for you, too.

  2. Linda, I hope your vision will eventually meet your expectations. Having gone through the process with Goodman I know it's not a picnic whether great results or just better than before are achieved, but after the appointments and healing are done, I'm sure it will be worth to you.

    Love that little raggedy looking butterfly, but the plant it's on is the star in the photo for me. Until about 4 years ago I was unfamiliar with self-heal, but since discovering it's properties are medicinal I've used it in several preparations with good results. It makes a great tea for sore throat.

    Haha, I agree with the quote from Facebook - I like to take things in stride, but this getting-along-in-years thing takes some getting used to, for sure.

    Great photos, as always. Have a great weekend!

    1. Hi, Toni. The cataract surgery has been a success for me, and I'm glad I did it. It's just going to be a rough go, either until both eyes work together enough that I don't need glasses or until I get glasses for that last bit of correction. Either way, though, to be able to see without thick glasses is just phenomenal to me. I'm always reaching up to take my glasses off before going to bed or getting into the shower because I'm seeing so well that I think I must be wearing them.

      That little self-heal plant is how I first met you, my friend. I did a post about it four years ago, and it coincided with a post you had done. TexWisGirl saw my post and referred me to yours. I miss that girl!

    2. You're right, I had forgotten about our coinciding posts on self-heal, and I miss TexWisGirl, too. She was such an energetic blogger and lovely artist, too.

  3. Thank you, Linda, for sharing your pictures from the day trip to the park. I loved seeing all of them.

    Also I am sorry to hear that your vision isn't great after your cataract surgery. I have a friend at church who had the same problem. My husband is probably looking at surgery within the next six months. Mine aren't ready yet to be removed. Praying for you and your husband, my friend. xx

    1. Hi, Dianna. I think things will be better as the eyes heal and adjust to their separate functions. They're so much better than they were that I can't complain. Tell Strong Heart not to fret. His will probably go very smoothly. Thanks for the prayers for Doug and me. They're always appreciated.

  4. Thanks for sharing these lovely pictures. I do hope that when all the surgery and recuperation is done, both of you will have much improved vision.

    1. Thanks, Ruth. We're optimistic that all will be well when everything is healed.

  5. Isnt that the truth! My body isnt taking it well. Such pretty pics from the park. I know those surgeries take many many visits, I did take dad to his. Hope you get better vision

    1. Hi, Kim. My vision seems to be getting better with each passing day. I'm thrilled. I've never seen this well in my life! I think I have only one more visit, a follow-up on August 22. Hopefully, the doctor will release me after that. But we still have Doug's pre-op, surgeries, and post-op appointments to get through. Maybe life will return to some form of normalcy after that.

  6. It's good that you can visit the Ouabache State Park here and there, Linda, I can see that there is always something nice to capture. Are the works finished there?

    1. The beach construction isn't finished, Petra; and the lake is still drained except for small pools of water. It's not as pleasant to look at this year, but it IS more peaceful. Apparently, we're the only ones who enjoy sitting beside an empty lake, so we've had the place pretty much to ourselves this summer.
