
Friday, June 30, 2017

Visiting Dennis

We visited Doug's brother, Dennis, last Saturday. He lives a couple of hours from us, and we go about once a month to spend the afternoon with him. Going out to eat is always a part of those visits. Finding a restaurant that we all enjoy is sometimes a challenge, but we've recently discovered a place we can all agree on: a little truck stop with delicious food and a good variety of menu items.

Arlene's Truck Stop in Augusta, Michigan

Dennis with his western omelet, Doug with his wet burrito, and my chicken bacon ranch wrap

A sign on a wall in the restaurant.

After a very filling meal at Arlene's, we stopped at another place for ice cream. Then we found a little park where we could enjoy a little stroll and some time of conversation on a park bench. The following photos were taken at the John Wilson Park in Athens, Michigan.


  1. It sounds like yall had a good time. I can only see the first picture of the truck stop. It may be just my laptop?? I found out truck stops can have some real good food.

    1. I'm sorry you had trouble viewing this post, Kim. That can be so frustrating...on both ends. Thanks, though, for your faithful visits. And, yes, truck stops often have pretty good food.

  2. So nice that you are able to do this, it means the world to him.

    1. We're glad we're able to do it, too, Steve. It's good for all of us.

  3. It's nice of you to visit Dennis as often as you do. I really like the sign on the restaurant wall about wi-fi. I'm also glad you found such a beautiful park to visit.

    1. Thanks, George. That sign tickled my funny bone. And the park was really a blessing. It was very relaxing and enabled us all to enjoy the outdoors for awhile.

  4. How nice you can visit Dennis every month. I'm sure he looks forward to those times very much. I love the no Wifi sign, and isn't it the truth. Everywhere we go to eat people are on their phones instead of talking to each other. Sign of the times, I suppose. o.O
    Hope you and Doug have a great Independence Day celebration. We plan to do as much of nothing as possible. ;)

    1. Dennis does seem to enjoy our visits and even thanks us for coming from time to time. Doug's family isn't overly demonstrative, so that simple "thank you" speaks volumes. Yes, I see people in restaurants and often wonder if they're texting each other. Hope you have a nice Fourth, too. I think we'll be doing as much of nothing as possible, as well. :)

  5. How lovely, Linda! It sounds like a wonderful time, and I love all your photos! The Wifi sign, I totally agree with! Thank you so much for sharing. :)

    1. We did have a good time, Linda. Thanks for the comment about the photos. I loved that sign, too. I'm sure it's meant to be humorous, but it points to a sad truth in our culture.

  6. Sounds to me like you know how to make a visit special for Dennis and all of you.The food looks delicious and the park is very beautiful.

    1. Our fun times usually center around food, Ruth. And this little place has some tasty choices. We enjoyed that park and will probably visit it again. There's also a bird sanctuary in the area that we need to visit. Maybe next time.

  7. I love that sign- I haven't been out to eat much lately, but it seems when I do go, everyone is staring at their phones. It's quite comical if you think about it- and strangely sad at the same time.
    Have a blessed day!

    1. I agree, Terri. It's a disturbing trend in our culture, but I'm afraid it's here to stay.

  8. It's nice of you to visit Dennis this often and I like the idea of taking him out on the occasions.

    The WiFi sign made me smile. It's true that WiFi in restaurants may be quite useful when you need to find out something, especially when travelling, but on the other hand, it's probably used much more than necessary.

    1. Petra, I'm glad you also saw the humor in the WiFi sign. It's true that WiFi in public places can be put to good use. But I doubt that most of what we observe is really that important. I guess I'm judging. When we didn't have portable phones, things just had to wait until we got home. I tend to still be of that mindset.

  9. What a blessing that you and your husband are able to visit with his brother that often. I am sure he looks forward to those times. I enjoyed seeing what each of you decided on for lunch...and I loved the sign on the wall! Isn't it crazy how if we take away our electronic gadgets that it can be awkward? That is what 'SOCIAL MEDIA' has done for the good old art of conversation.

    The park that you visited and had conversation together is so pretty! Thank you, Linda, for sharing with us.

    1. Dianna, you make a good point about how "Social Media" is making us less sociable. Glad to see you back. You were missed.

  10. I was going to guess this was Michigan! It just has the look.

    I grew up in Lexington, on the thumb.

    1. Hi, Sandi. Nice to meet you. Dennis lives in Battle Creek, and the restaurant and park are in the same general area. But I've been to the Thumb! Thanks for stopping by.
