
Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Spring at Ouabache State Park

This past winter was a mild one, but it seemed to have more of a negative effect on my mood than previous winters. However, spring has sprung at last in Indiana. Yesterday was a beautiful, warm spring day; and Doug and I took advantage of it to visit Ouabache State Park, about an hour from our home.

The lake had been drained for, according to signs posted in the area, beach construction. We're not sure what that means since it doesn't seem to us that the water is suitable for swimming.

The drained lake

Of course, some water had accumulated in the lake from recent rainfall. That seemed to provide an irresitable attraction for some sandpiper-like birds, apparently passing through on migration.

Migratory sandpiper-like bird
A Red-tailed Hawk was riding the wind currents above us.

This beautiful old tree was still leafless.

A display of wildflowers at the base of another old tree

The dozens of redbud trees in the park were putting on quite a show.

A lone Redbud among several still-bare trees.

A glorious display of flowering trees across the lake

We spent a most enjoyable afternoon at the park, relishing the warm sunshine, good books, and each other's company.


  1. Hi Linda, Looks like a great park to visit... Isn't Spring just wonderful? I too was disappointed that we didn't have much winter...We need a cold winter to kill all of the bugs which pop up in Spring/Summer... When George and I took our walk this morning on the golf course, we both noticed so many bugs flying around our heads... NOT FUN....

    Even after our drought, our big Redbud tree did well this spring... And our Pink Dogwood has been so pretty....

    Hope you can get out more soon and share the Spring Beauty.... Love the wildflowers this time of year also.


    1. We do love this park for an afternoon of just being outdoors and relaxing. The color burst of spring is often short-lived, but it's beautiful while it lasts.

  2. What beauty! The trees blooming red around the old tree, I love the flower 🌺 making their way around the tree

    1. Thank you for your visit and comment, Kim. Spring is such a beautiful time of the year.

  3. I'm glad you and Doug were able to enjoy a beautiful Spring day at one of your favorite places. I hope you have the opportunity to spend many more wonderful days there.

    1. Thanks, George. We usually buy a season pass to Indiana's state parks. That way, we can go anytime we want. In nice weather, that's sometimes once a week. :)

  4. That place has a calming look to it.You captured the beauty so very well. I love spring and all the newness it brings.

  5. How gorgeous, Linda! Very peaceful and soothing. Thank you so much for sharing.

  6. Your afternoon at the lake sounds wonderful, Linda! Aren't the Redbuds just gorgeous this year? We have noticed also that there are several different shades of them...some side by side which makes it much more obvious.

    I so enjoyed all of the pictures you have shared with us. Thank you so much.

    1. Thank you, Dianna. I wish the spring blooms lasted longer. But our Lord has provided other blooming things to take their places as summer moves forward.

  7. I love the Redbuds, Linda, they look so impressive in all the photos. I also enjoyed the wildflowers under the tree, such a nice picture. The hawk looks as if it was flying around your photos, with the white background it stands out wonderfully. Beautiful set of photos!

    1. I love the Redbuds, too, Petra. They're so beautiful in the spring. I'm glad you liked the wildflowers under the tree. That was actually one of my favorite shots. My photo of the hawk was too dark. The process of lightening it washed out the sky. But the white sky did show off the hawk better.
